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Sussex Kipper, Susie

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:09 pm
by CJB
Good evening UKB'ers,
I made a rather more strenuous than planned trip to Steyning together in search of the elusive (to me!) BHS. The first person I bumped into, but only found out afterwards was Susie, who happened to point me in the direction of Sussex Kipper, who she advised was the oracle for all things BHS. Having driven all round Steyning and various neighbouring hamlets, I managed to locate the 'Horseshoe' and went for a wander with my somewhat exhausted twins and long suffering domestic-boss in tow.
Having introduced myself to Neil (a pleasure!), I discovered that rush hour for the BHS was over and they had all disappeared back into the canopy; :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: However, I persisted and under the pretence of looking for grasshoppers, went back down with my son to the hotspot. The first thing I saw was a grass snake which I nearly trod on and then down came a BHS!!!!!!!!! The only problem was that it didn't come close enough for my mobile (ie it didn't land on my nose), but I did see one and I was over the moon.
Another first for the year; 2012 has been amazing.
Great to meet you both.
Flutter on!

Re: Sussex Kipper, Susie

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:58 pm
by Susie

what a surprise! I am so pleased that you did manage to see at least one of the flying flaming goddesses that are brown hairstreaks on this beautifully sunny day.

I'm only disappointed I didnt have longer to make your acquaintance as I was on my way home when I saw you. You're a brave man to venture forth with wife and sprogs in tow butterflying. :-)