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Chelsea Physic Garden

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:09 am
by Pete Eeles
Just been sent this if you're interested!

I write to thank you for providing such a helpful website.  I was recently commissioned to paint the butterflies and their nectar source at the Chelsea Physic Garden and not knowing much about butterflies, found your information and images invaluable.  I am a botanical artist and thoroughly enjoyed this project.
Butterflies at home at the Chelsea Physic Garden ... x.htmopens tomorrow evening (I attach the invitation to private view) but will be exhibited in the main foyer of the Chelsea Physic Garden throughout the month of August.  Perhaps some of your followers would like to see it and enjoy a wander round the beautiful garden as well.
Once again, thank you for your hard work and obvious love of these beautiful creatures.
With kind regards,
Mary Ellen Taylor