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Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:10 pm
by Susie
So, the date has been set as Saturday 8th December, time 1pm and place is The Old Forge, Otterbourne.

Please can you let me know if you are able to attend.

Nearer to the time when I have an idea of numbers I will book a table for us.


PJ Underwood and Mrs PJ
Rogerdodge and Mrs Rogerdodge
Tuts (Mark)
Grudditch and Lisa
Mark Colvin

Seth and Sami

Re: Winter Social

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:13 pm
by millerd

Having missed out last year, I will make sure I can.


Re: Winter Social

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:14 pm
by ChrisC
i'm in.


Re: Winter Social

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:27 pm
by Pete Eeles
Susie wrote:Please can you let me know if you are able to attend.
Deffo :)


- Pete

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:59 pm
by Vince Massimo
It's in my diary :D

Susie, I have taken the liberty if adding the year to the topic title to avoid any confusion :) .


Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:05 pm
by Susie
Thanks Vince :)

I may even get around to putting it on the forum calendar at some point too, unless someone wants to do it for me first :wink:

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:00 am
by Mark Tutton
Count me in please - Mark :D

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:39 am
by Neil Hulme
Hope so, but won't know until nearer the time. :?:

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:33 am
by Gruditch
Two more please Suz. :D

Regards Gruditch

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:13 pm
by Susie
Marvellous. It will be good to see you all :)

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:36 pm
by MikeOxon
Sussex Kipper wrote:Hope so, but won't know until nearer the time. :?:


Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:26 pm
by Susie
I'll put you down as another possible then, Mike :-)

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:10 pm
by essexbuzzard
Can you put me down too,please Susie? Not literally of course!

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:49 pm
by Susie
Yes, of course! :D

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:59 pm
by essexbuzzard
Thanks very much :)

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:17 pm
by Susie
Hopefully I can now add Butterfly Bill and his wife to the list?

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:27 pm
by Wurzel
I'm still on the list aren't ?

Have a goodun


Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:37 pm
by Susie
You are now, Wurzel! :D

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:56 pm
by Susie
Right chaps and chapesses,

I spoke to the pub today and because it is a booking for December things have to be a bit more formal than last year. They want a five pound deposit per head plus they need to know our food order two weeks before the event. There will be a choice of two menus, either their normal winter menu or a special festive menu. Menus aren't issued until September so I can't yet say what will be on it but I'll let you know as soon as I do.

Is this still okay with everyone? I don't mind organising it if it is but if it's all getting a bit formal then we can call it off or make other plans.

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:10 pm
by ChrisC
that's fine by me. let me know how you want the deposit.
