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Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:43 am
by Rogerdodge
Just a reminder that Birdfair is coming up again on Friday 17th - Sunday 19th August, at Rutland Water Nature Reserve.
It is certainly NOT just for birders.
There are 8 big marquees with about 400 different exhibitors ranging from the big boy manufacturers (Nikon, Canon etc) to one-man-band second hand bookstalls (my favourite).
You can buy clothes, cameras, holidays, books, etc. - or just daydream and windowshop.
There are three lecture venues with lectures by "personalities", experts and enthusiasts running all day.
BC, Buglife, British Dragonfly Society and a number of Wildlife trusts have stands, as have most periodicals including British Widlife and Atropos.
Richard Lewington always exhibits - probably signing copies of his latest micro book.
There is also (crucially) a BEER tent.
You can get "hands on" with that lusted after camera or lens, and fill your library with a bewildering array of books.
Fantasise about taking some of the amazing holidays on offer, or just find that moth trap, photography hide or tripod you have always wanted.
I try not to miss this event, usually staying for at least 2 days. There is camping available on site.
It would be great to meet other UKBers there!
I have no connection with the show other than being an enthusiastic visitor.

Re: Birdfair

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:15 am
Something I've been meaning to go to for a long time but never managed it for one reason or another. Maybe this year could be the year.

Does sound very tempting looking down the lists of exhibitors and I am due to have a new nephew born a week or two before that in Cambridge so could kill two birds with one stone so to speak. It does seem like it's too good to miss!

I'll mention it to the other half tonight and see how well it goes down! :)