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Heath Fritillaries - Starvelarks Wood, Essex

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:12 pm
by kevling
On a bright, but slightly breezy Saturday 23rd June, I travelled to Starvelarks Wood, part of the Little Haven Nature Reserve in Thundersley, Essex. This is a lovely wooded area managed by the Essex Widlife Trust. Careful management of woodland and coppicing has allowed an abundance of Cow Wheat to grow, thus creating the perfect habitat for a colony of Heath Fritillaries. Numbers appear to have continually grown year on year. This weekend in an area approximately football pitch in size, I counted close to 100, along the transect.
For such a rare butterfly, it was a great privilage to see so many in such a condensed area. With the temperature not too hot, they were at rest for long periods, making photography very easy. I hope you enjoy the attached pictures.


Re: Heath Fritillaries - Starvelarks Wood, Essex

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:22 pm
by essexbuzzard
I don't like those pictures-i love them!
Yes,this is an excellent wood for this species,as are several other woods in the area. You have probably caught them at their peak,but emergance dates are variable,last year,they were already on the wane by now.
Great stuff!