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Aperture or Lightroom

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:59 am
by Tom Wade
As the weather has been so rubbish and I've hardly seen, let alone photographed any butterflies yet this year, I turned my attantion to my creaking, low RAM windows desk top and considered a replacement. I have two grown up sons who are fully MAC converted, one of which does a lot of photography and much discussion re the old windows v MAC discussion took place.

To cut a long story short I decided that at my advancing years not to try is not to experience and I am now the owner of a 27" Imac - Gosh its big but the images are amazing!!!

The thing is, I own and use both Canon Digital Professional and Lightroom 3 but have now ended up with Aperture on the MAC. I know the others run on a MAC as the nice people at Apple let me load it up on one of there PC's in the store but then proceed to show me what Aperture can do.

While the rain continues to prevent my photographic expoloits I would be interested to hear from anyone else out there who has made the transition from windows to MAc and who have used Aperture.

At least it will give us something to talk about until the sun shines


Re: Aperture or Lightroom

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:39 pm
by Bill S
I use a Mac and Aperture but I can't compare to Lightroom as I have never used it. But I did move from Windows to a Mac and much prefer the Mac, although I have Windows installed on it too for those applications which have no equivalent in OSX.

But Aperture is excellent for me. If you've got specific questions fire away.


Re: Aperture or Lightroom

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:00 pm
by Tom Wade
Hi Bill,

Thanks for the reply. I am on a fast learning curve now but first of all have to resolve a problem with my Mac. Its started giving me error messages when I start Aperture but the Apple Help Line guys have got their heads into it, so will soon be soretd. I have signed up to a years "one to one" training, which includes Aperture but am not going to start this until my workload drops a bit - probably October.

In the meantime I am more than happy with the way it looks and the screen is amazing!

I may get in touch later in the year if thats OK



Re: Aperture or Lightroom

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:20 am
by Bill S
Tom Wade wrote:Hi Bill,

Thanks for the reply. I am on a fast learning curve now but first of all have to resolve a problem with my Mac. Its started giving me error messages when I start Aperture but the Apple Help Line guys have got their heads into it, so will soon be soretd. I have signed up to a years "one to one" training, which includes Aperture but am not going to start this until my workload drops a bit - probably October.

In the meantime I am more than happy with the way it looks and the screen is amazing!

I may get in touch later in the year if thats OK


That's fine, I did the years One to One and did 2 sessions, one on Aperture and one on iMovie. Both were excellent and covered enough detail so I could get started and then, once using, find things out for myself.
