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Butterfly species - Doxocopa thoe

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:06 pm
by Buckeye
Hi All,

While on holiday in the Dominican Republic I took some photo's of a butterfly (Doxocopa thoe). I've searched the web for information over this species and have found virtually no information. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction or even be able to help me with my quest.

Follow this URL to see my photo: ... 9621QQxbOE


Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 3:04 pm
by Pete Eeles
I'm lucky enough to have a copy of Norman D. Riley's "A Field Guide to the Butterflies of the West Indies" where there is a small amount of description (mainly for identification purposes). However, it does add ...

"Known only in Hispaniola, where it is very rare. Nothing is known of its habitats or early stages."

Since the book was publised in 1975, I'd say that you're *very* lucky to have gotten such a good shot. Also - Riley shows it has having the vernacular name "Purple Emperor".


- Pete

Butterfly species - Doxocopa thoe

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:17 pm
by Buckeye
Hi Pete,

Thanks for your reply and the information.

I had the feeling that the butterfly was rare because of the scarce information on the web.

Is there any information on the male and female of this species in your book? I photographed 2 colour variations and would like to know which one is male & which one is female.
I observed the species on more than one occasion and I'm sure that I'd seen at least 3 different examples.

I knew that it was an Emperor species and as far as I know is the Purple Emperor a European species?

Male?: ... 9621UfoXRe

Female 1?: ... 9621HlVJfA

Female 2?: ... 9621tLzGAE

Full text

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:44 pm
by Pete Eeles
The full text for this species is:

"Doxocopa Thoe - Godart, 1823. Purple Emperor.

Forewing male 30mm, female 36mm. Dimorphic. Male upperside black, both wings with brilliant deep blue reflections that extend almost to the margins; a narrow white discal band on the hindwing is continued as a series of white spots on the forewing, where there is also a pair of white subapical spots; a small red submarginal spot in space 2 on both wings; underside pattern as on upperside but ground colour silvery. Female upperside ochreous brown, without purple reflections, the pattern of markings as in the male but the only white markings are the subapical spots on the forewing and the costal mark on the hindwing. Underside like the male."

So ... based on this, I believe that your shots are: ... 9621UfoXRe
FEMALE ... 9621HlVJfA
MALE ... 9621tLzGAE

Which is the opposite of your suggestions :)

In the UK we have a different "Purple Emperor" (Apatura Iris) whose male / female dimorphism is similar (the female is brown) so I guess we'd be used to this!

Hope this helps,


- Pete

Butterfly species - Doxocopa thoe

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 7:36 pm
by Buckeye
Hi Pete,

Thanks very much for your help, I now know a little more about the Doxocopa thoe butterfly.