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South of France Butterfly Locations

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:31 pm
by kevling
Hi everyone,

Please could anyone recommend some top locations in the South Of France for Butterflies. I'm not on the hunt for any particular species, but the more diverse the number of species the better.
Last year I was based in Cannes and found the best locations to be Lac Du Cassien and the Gorge Du Loup.
Next year I am looking to stay around Monaco in early August, so possible locations may be Parc Du Mecantour and surrounding area.
If anyone can offer some ideas, I would be very grateful.

Kindest Regards

Kev Ling

Re: South of France Butterfly Locations

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:15 pm
by Sylvie_h
Hi Kev,

If you go there in early August, then you will have to go higher up to find butterflies. I suggest you plan a trip to the Mercantour as you said and a good base is the village of Guillaumes or Peone (near Guillaumes). There is a very good camping site (with excellent pizzas) in Guillaumes (camping du pont de la mariƩe) situated in a stunning location if you don't want to spend too much money, this may be an option for a few days. The nearby mountains are good for butterflies. Also the Gorges du Daluy on the road to Guillaumes are stunningly beautiful.