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Bamburgh - 1st week of July

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:35 pm
by Hugh Middleton
Hi all,

Am hoping to be in Bamburgh for the first week of July.
Any tips for sites and species would be much appreciated. Easy walking preferred due to arthritis :(
Can travel in the area. Understand Dark Green Fritillaries are about and rumours of Small PB

Many thanks,


Re: Bamburgh - 1st week of July

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:14 pm
by rdunn162
You can get Dark Green Fritillary at the following sites; Ross Links NU 142 375 (Long walk) park at NU131 369, Newton Links NU 230 266 (Not too far) park at NU 235 260.

Inland, at Harwood NY 984 902, Dark Green and Small Pearl-bordered on the roadside and Large Heath at Steng Moss NY 965 911.

And Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary at Sweethope NY 934 825, by the roadside near the cattle grid.

Re: Bamburgh - 1st week of July

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:46 pm
by Hugh Middleton
Thanks so much. I am especially interested in the small pearl-bordered frits so your advice is most welcome


Re: Bamburgh - 1st week of July

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:55 am
by Hugh Middleton
Got back yesterday.
Weather was bad travelling up on the Friday so didn't even try for the Black Grouse in the north Pennines. Had a wedding near Hexham on the Saturday so on the Friday afternoon went for the Small Pearl Bordered Frits at Sweethorpe. Unfortuantely the road was blocked for wind turbine work. No time to visit the other sites.
Our farm B&B had GS Woodpeckers in the garden, also a small Tort. Hobby was a bonus. Sunday was spent travelling and sightseeing to Bamburgh in showers.
Monday was spent with friends and was very wet.
Tuesday was sunny but windy. Few butterflies about but two Wall at Stag rocks.
Wednesday again sunny. Morning trip to Holy Island produced Dark Green Frit and Grayling plus several Burnets.
The afternoon was spent at Stag rocks watching Gannets, Terns, Puffins etc fishing plus tthe occasional Artic Skua.
Enjoyable trip considering the lack of a summer this year.

Thanks for all the advice.
