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Small Blue - Totternhoe Knolls

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 3:43 pm
by Nigel
I am thinking of going to Tottenhoe Knolls looking for Small Blue some time over the Bank Holiday weekend. I know its late in the season (but I have heard they are late this year), but before I spend the time and money travelling to the site, I wondered if anyone has any info regarding if it is too late or if they are still on the wing at the site.
I might also pop in to Dunstable Downs again does anyone have any info on what is about at the moment.

Tanks in advance for any information.

Cheers Nigel

Re: Small Blue - Totternhoe Knolls

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 4:23 pm
by dilettante
See selbypaul's recent post in the May 2012 topic where he says
Small Blue were in smaller numbers. I only saw three, all very fresh looking, so I suspect they'll be building in numbers over the next few days.

Re: Small Blue - Totternhoe Knolls

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:11 am
by Nigel
For some reason, I didn't notice the comments in the Mat sightings, thanks for the info
best wishes Nigel