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Chambers Farm Wood

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 9:22 am
by Yashca
Next Friday I am driving through Lincolnshire after work, and I have heard that Marsh Fritillary are on the wing at Chambers Farm Wood.

I have a couple of questions - firstly, where about on the site is the best place to look for Marsh Fritillary?

Secondly, as I have no experience with Marsh Fritillary, I won't be passing by the site until just after 6 in the evening. Will I have any chance in actually managing to see one at this time?

Thanks for any advice about this site or Marsh Fritillaries that anyone can give me.

Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 7:17 pm
by PhiliB
You want Little Scrubs Meadow which is shown on the map near the visitor's centre.
As to what you find at 6pm depends on the weather, they will either still be flying if the weather is like it was today or they will be roosting. Either way you should be able to find a few.
Best of luck.

Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 8:27 pm
by Hugh Middleton
Yes they were plentiful today and several Dingy Skippers too.
Have you been to the meadow before - if not pm me or e mail -
Given decent weather they should be about early evening.
I am at a conference next week so wont be visiting so cant update you but hope you are successful.


Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:37 pm
by Yashca
Thanks for the advice you two - keeping my fingers crossed for the weather.

If, and this seems most likely with us being in England, the weather is less suitable than it has been and the butterflies are roosting - where do they tend to roost and how easy are they to find? I'd really like to see one, but I wouldn't want to disturb them in the process, you see.

Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 9:18 am
by selbypaul
Hi Yashca
I visited Little Scrubs meadow in Chambers Farm Wood yesterday. I'd been down in Hertfordshire all day, so arrived late at 5.30pm. Didn't see a single butterfly, despite it still being clear blue skies and circa 20 degrees. I had a look around for any Marsh Fritillary roosting, but again no luck.
May be worth trying to arrive beforew 4pm to give you more of a chance

Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 7:01 pm
by Yashca
Thanks for the advice Paul, unfortunately, even though I will be leaving work before 4.00, that will be in North Yorkshire, so 6.00 is pretty much the earliest I could get there - which is a shame really.

Don't think I'm likely to get lucky now - any tips on searching for roosting butterflies? I've not tried it before.

Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 7:26 pm
by Reverdin
Where in North Yorkshire are you..... I'm in Richmond.

Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 5:17 am
by dorsetguy
Yashca wrote:Thanks for the advice Paul, unfortunately, even though I will be leaving work before 4.00, that will be in North Yorkshire, so 6.00 is pretty much the earliest I could get there - which is a shame really.

Don't think I'm likely to get lucky now - any tips on searching for roosting butterflies? I've not tried it before.
I haven't stuck around to see what they do in the evenings but on cool/cloudy days I typically see them roosting on, or very close to the ground, which could potentially make them a bit tricky to find. It probably depends on the habitat though; in Dorset they are found on grazed chalk downland so it's not too difficult to spot them among the short grass.

Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:25 pm
by Yashca
Unfortunately the weather was cool and cloudy by the time I got there, so I had no luck whatsoever. I am half tempted to drive down tomorrow to try again, but the weather still looks a bit untrustworthy - partial sun with showers in the afternoon after a cloudy morning.

Reverdin - I'm in Scarborough

Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:27 pm
by Hugh Middleton
Yes its a bit dire at the moment. Visited yesterday morning but bones hurt too much to go to the meadow.
Spent 30 minutes in the Butterfly Garden for nothing!
Marsh and Dingys can be difficult to spot in the meadow. Rightly folk are asked not to trample all over - but there are a few well defined tracks through the meadow. Walking these slowly will sometimes 'flush' them. They can also be seen in the evenings but are more likely to be resting than flying so you need keen eyes and patience.
Soom be time for the White Admirals, Marbled Whites and Hairstraks though only the Marbled are in the meadow.


Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 9:39 pm
by Yashca
Does anyone know if Marsh Fritillary are out at Chambers?

I missed them last year at this time, but I know everything is a bit late this year; weather looks reasonable for this Sunday (2nd June) but I'm a bit worried that I haven't heard a single report as yet.

Any info anyone? Don't want to waste a trip.

Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:20 pm
by Hugh Middleton
None there a week ago and haven't been or heard anything since then.

Would have thought it was worth a try.


Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:32 pm
by Hugh Middleton
Several reported over the weekend


Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:14 pm
by Hugh Middleton
Plenty showing this week and Dingy Skippers so should be ok for the weekend
