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Species-Specific Albums 2012-2013

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 10:28 pm
by Vince Massimo
Having recently completed a full review of the images in the Species-Specific Albums, it is now time to think about the next stage. Pete and myself have agreed that, in order to maintain a high standard within the various Species Albums, the next job is to start pruning out some of the poorer images. Initially, this will involve the deletion of all of the lower-quality images, duplicates and some which have been superseded by improved (or better labelled) shots. This will affect everybody who has contributed images and is such a large job, that it has been decided to make a start on it now, rather than wait until the end of the season. No images will be stripped from the "Core Media" of the Species-Identification section and care will be taken when considering images from the Stock Contributors, because I do not want to deplete the Stock Photo Library.

I do not want to discourage anybody from submitting images, but would urge you all to read the Gallery Guidelines when considering adding photos. I will continue to monitor personal diaries and sightings reports and will request specific images that are considered to contribute to the Species-Identification pages.

Thanks go to everyone who has contributed images over the years and I hope that there will be many more submissions. If you want to ensure that your favourite photos are preserved for posterity, you could of course open your own personal album where you would have complete control over submissions and deletions.

If anybody has any comments or questions on the latest review, please post them here or send me a PM.


Re: Species-Specific Albums 2012

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 12:42 pm
by MikeOxon
Vince, I may not be alone in initially confusing your reference to the 'Species-Specific Albums' with the 'Species Specific Forum'.

I believe that you are referring to the Albums within the Gallery part of this website. The S-S Forum now seems to be reserved for the collection of favourite photos, which keeps us all occupied during the winter months.


Re: Species-Specific Albums 2012

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 4:11 pm
by Vince Massimo
Quite right Mike, and thank you for pointing that out :D. There has indeed been some confusion in the past and I should have made some mention of this.

The Species-Specific Albums are the repository of all the images contributed by members. You can get to them by clicking on the "Gallery" icon at the top of this page. For those members registered as Stock Photo Contributors, their images are duplicated and one set is chanelled into the Stock Photo Library (for use by charitable organisations and schools etc). The Species-Specific Albums are also the primary souce of images used in the Species Identification Section, which uses the best and most relevant examples to illustrate each species. This is called the "Core Media".

The Species-Specific Forums is where species-related topics are discussed and which hosted such items as the "Favourite Photo of 2011".

I hope that this makes things clearer :) .


Re: Species-Specific Albums 2012-2013

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:45 am
by Vince Massimo
Just to remind everyone that I am now re-commencing the pruning exercise of images in the Species-Specific Albums which I started last May, but did not complete. Further details are contained in the opening post of this topic.

At this time of year I also review the Species Identification pages. Whilst these are up to date, some of them contain a number of similar images. Surplus or duplicate images from these pages will not necessarily be deleted but will be downgraded to a secondary section. I expect all work to be completed by the 1st of February.

My continued thanks go to everyone who has contributed images to the Species-Specific Albums to date :D


Re: Species-Specific Albums 2012-2013

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:54 am
by Pete Eeles
And thanks to you Vince for doing an incredible job :o The website has improved substantially thanks to the care and attention you give to the selection of images that are used.


- Pete

Re: Species-Specific Albums 2012-2013

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:01 pm
by Vince Massimo
I can now announce that the review of all the images in the Species-Specific Albums and Identification pages has now been completed :D

My thanks go to everyone who has contributed images over the years and apologies to those who may have had some of theirs deleted in the clean-up. The aim is not only to continue to improve the quality of the images in these albums, but also to expand the coverage of aspects, such as behavior, exhibited by different species. I will continue to monitor sightings reports and personal diaries for these, but if you think you have an image that improves upon one already in the albums, or adds to the resource, then please submit it.

A number of gaps were filled in the Secondary Species List (thanks going to Roger Gibbons for this :D ) and images for the Small Brown Shoemaker and Slate Flash were sourced from overseas contacts which finally ensured that all species are now represented by at least one image.

The gaps that remain are becoming increasingly difficult to fill, these now being mainly in the immature stages and Secondary list. ... ndary=true ... ndary=true

If you click on the green species name, you will then be taken to the Identification page for that species and the wealth of information it now contains (thanks to ongoing work by Pete). This should keep you all occupied until Spring arrives..........


Edit: An instant response received from CFB of a female Camberwell Beauty underside. Thanks Colin :mrgreen: