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Micro ID - Lickey Hills

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 6:12 pm
by m_galathea
Today I spotted this little beastie... It was it in a quite a distict heathland habitat, which is quite a rarity in itself around these parts. It stood out to me as the wing shape is different to all the other micro moths I have seen.
So, any ideas on the ID? Is it even a moth?

Cheers, Alex

Location: Bilberry Hill, Lickey, Worcestershire.
Habitat: Scattered silver birch on a steep heathland dominated by Bilberry and Ling. Also present: Rowan, Wild Strawberry.
Flight: Smooth and slow.
Size: approx 5mm.

Apologies for the poor photography!
Micro5 copy.JPG

Re: Micro ID - Lickey Hills

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 1:40 pm
by JKT
I believe this belongs to Aleyrodidae.