Mabie Forest BC Reserve, Dumfries 19th May 2012

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Mabie Forest BC Reserve, Dumfries 19th May 2012

Post by ScottD »

Pearl-bordered Fritillary Butterfly Walk at Mabie Forest by Glasgow & SW Scotland branch of BC

Join us at Butterfly Conservation's Mabie Forest reserve for a butterfly walk with the reserve's butterfly recorder Tina Flinn.
Tina will lead us round the northern butterfly transect (takes about 2 hours).
Target Species: Pearl-bordered Fritillary. Other potential species: Dingy Skipper, Orange-tip, Green-veined White, Small copper, Small Heath and Wall Brown.
Meet 10:30am start. Grid ref- NX 95026 70754. Parking available in the main car park (£2.00) and meet outside the Rangers office, opposite the Bike Shed cafe.
Don't forget your Camera!

By all accounts last year was exceptional for PBF at Mabie with counts of 500+ - can't promise that but you never know ...
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