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Poor Weather Set To Stay Until June!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:13 pm
by Paul Harfield
I can not believe how cold it is here in Hedge End today :shock: . We have been to a christening locally and even had to return home between church and party for warmer clothing. It has been pretty chilly and drizzly all week.
On top of that I have just read a report from the met office saying this unseasonally cold weather might continue until June :!:
I can not wait :cry:

Re: Poor Weather Set To Stay Until June!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:09 pm
by Susie

I was talking to a lady today who was walking her dogs and she was still wearing the same protective clothing she needs over the winter, including hat, scarf and gloves. I wish I'd taken my gloves because by the time I got home I couldn't feel my fingers. It's madness for the south of England in May! :(

Re: Poor Weather Set To Stay Until June!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:50 pm
by NickMorgan
It's madness for SE Scotland as well. I was walking the dog this afternoon (in my usual winter attire!) and I was frozen! It was sunny enough for butterflies but just too cold. A good measure of the temperature for us is the number of logs we use (wood burners do our heating and hot water). Usually at this time of year a trailer load will last three weeks, but just now I am going through a trailer load each week!

Re: Poor Weather Set To Stay Until June!

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 10:28 am
by Jack Harrison
Ironically, this all fits in with climate change predictions - more of everything. More hot spells (eg last Autumn and this March), more droughts (last two winters), more inconveniently-timed cold spells (the present) and so on. The overall trend is for the planet to warm up but that is simplistic; greater extremes than we have been used to will be the more obvious manifestation.

The next extreme event must surely be just around the corner. Dave (him in No.10) might actually listen. Now that would be an extreme event.

(Sorry, off topic.)

PS. Rumour has it that The Pope is getting married. Send PM if you want to know who he is linked to (Hint: the redundant C.B.)


Re: Poor Weather Set To Stay Until June!

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 3:58 pm
by David M
One thing's for sure: I'll never complain about it being only 16 degrees ever again.

There DOES seem to be a little relief offered for next weekend, with temperatures becoming a bit more respectable and more sunshine.