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April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:10 pm
by selbypaul
Today appears to have been the day when all the early Butterflies started to show themselves in Sheffield, after such a long period of unseasonably warm weather.

Having already seen my first Peacock in the garden on the 11th March, and a Small Tortoiseshell on 25th March, today I saw my first Speckled Wood, Holly Blue, and Small White of the year. The latter two are about 2 weeks earlier than last year, which was already an early year!

Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:09 pm
by David M
Drove back to south Wales from Liverpool today and saw my first Orange Tip of the year at the Hirwaun roundabout on the A465.

Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:15 pm
by Goldie M
Just come back from Hall-Lee-Brook and I saw 3 Tortoiseshells, I was suprised to see them has the weather is so cold, the've forcast snow as well I think UGH! Goldie :(

Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:20 pm
by David M
Whereabouts are you, Goldie? It's 14C here in S. Wales right now.

Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:29 pm
by Goldie M
Bolton North West near the Pennines David, well! we're in the west Pennine moors here. It was freezing this morning, the water in the bird baths was frozen. The sun keeps popping out, it's the wind thats cold though.
South Wales is more sheltered I think, I love Temby by the way :D Goldie

Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:34 pm
by millerd
Very sunny in these parts, but cold, especially before midday. Not much seen, except for a few Green-veined Whites and a Peacock. A couple of colourful birds on the lake, however, which I believe are a Shelduck and an Egyptian Goose. Happy to be corrected by the experts, mind! :)


Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:59 pm
by Gibster
millerd wrote:A couple of colourful birds on the lake, however, which I believe are a Shelduck and an Egyptian Goose. Happy to be corrected by the experts, mind!
Definitely NOT an Egyptian Goose! Seems to be some sort of hybrid Ruddy x Cape Shelduck thingie. Kinda pretty I guess, but ought not to be allowed, lol. :wink:

Cheers mate,


EDIT - Here's a link to a pic of a bird very much like your second image. It's at Bedfont Lakes and the photographer wonders if it is a hybrid Ruddy x Common Shelduck. Have a look at I'm actually wondering if this is the SAME INDIVIDUAL as you've seen? Bedfont is quite close to you, I think. And the linked image was taken just 3 weeks ago. Bill base seems paler in your bird, but hybrids sometimes exhibit unequal coloration on bare parts, and you can only see the "other" side in your pic.

DOUBLE EDIT! - Reading through the comments beneath the linked image, I'm now pretty confident that your bird is a Ruddy Shelduck x Common Shelduck hybrid. Some surprising plumage details considering the Common Shelduck input, but it seems to be just that. You get a piccie of the legs at all? Pink would 100% clinch it!

Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:45 pm
by MikeOxon
After a dull wet day, yesterday, I assumed the early flight-period might be over. I was therefore pleased to see the sun again today but the air temperature was obviously much lower than earlier in the week.

Nevertheless, One Orange Tip was braving the colder air at my nearby gravel pit lakes. It paused briefly in a sunspot and I quite like the 'stained glass window' effect of this against-the-light grabshot. There was no chance of a second shot as it was away over the trees nearby.
Thrupp Lake, Abingdon, Oxon - 1st April 2012<br />Nikon D300s with 300f4 - 1/350s@f/9.5 ISO400
Thrupp Lake, Abingdon, Oxon - 1st April 2012
Nikon D300s with 300f4 - 1/350s@f/9.5 ISO400

Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:21 pm
by millerd
Gibster wrote:DOUBLE EDIT! - Reading through the comments beneath the linked image, I'm now pretty confident that your bird is a Ruddy Shelduck x Common Shelduck hybrid. Some surprising plumage details considering the Common Shelduck input, but it seems to be just that. You get a piccie of the legs at all? Pink would 100% clinch it!
No legs, I'm afraid, Gibster. I take heart :) that there was some speculation on whether Egyptian Goose was involved in the parentage of the Bedfont one, and it looks identical to the one I saw. Thanks for the info! Fascinating - I had no idea ducks hybridised so readily. :?


Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:10 pm
by Stevie69
Hello All, this is my 1st post so please excuss any faults. I am an avid bird watcher but increasingly looking for other wildlife. Today along the colne at wraysbury, Berkshire I saw comma x 2, Peacock and Red Admiral, my wife swears she saw a small Blue, Hopefully i will learn how to upload photos that my son took. Pictures are now in the album, but for some reason they will not show up on this post

Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:19 pm
by ChrisC
welcome to UKB. nice part of the world the colne at wraysbury, used to do quite a bit of birding over the lakes opposite the resevoir.


Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:23 pm
by Gibster
Welcome aboard, Stevie69. :)

Without knowing details its tricky to say with any certainty, but your wife's "Small Blue" could well be a Holly Blue - ie a butterfly that is both small and blue! Small Blues are amazingly tiny, smaller than many moths in fact. But it's been a crazy early season so far, so Small Blue isn't totally out of the equation.



Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:24 pm
by millerd
And hi from me, just up the road and across the M25 at Stanwell Moor. You probably saw a Holly Blue, by the way - I've seen a few already in the area.



Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:40 pm
by David M
Gibster wrote:Small Blues are amazingly tiny, smaller than many moths in fact. But it's been a crazy early season so far, so Small Blue isn't totally out of the equation.
Indeed. We've already had sightings from the Isle of Wight over the last few days.

Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:24 pm
by Michaeljf
I saw my first Orange-Tip in South Wales today, up at Parc Penallta at Ystrad Mynach (in fact, I saw about 5, but they were all flying by with no concern for stopping). There were also Peacocks and Small Tortoiseshells and some flowers including some lovely Dog Violets and Cowslips. Plenty of Buzzards about too.


Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:27 pm
by Wurzel
Continuing on the Welsh front...Small Tortosieshell, Peacock, 2 Small White, Speckled Wood, 2 Comma and male Orange-tip in and around Llanachaeron today - the walled garden and the lower end of the car park were the best spots.

Have a goodun


Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:46 pm
by marmari
Today on the Isle of Wight was another sunny day but cooler than recently.I,of course ,had the chance to visit Walters Copse just in case the a Large Tortoishell decided to make an appearance.
Being a Sunday afternoon it wasn't long before a few people turned up,UKB members,IanP,Firecrest64,and several other members of the IOW BC Group gathered plus others,so any chance of a sighting perhaps was unlikely.Still it was a good opportunity to natter.
Not many butterflies were to be seen.Just a Holly Blue passed by and a single chance to get a picture.No LTs today.

Re: April 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:58 pm
by Paul Harfield
After a dull day yesterday, today was almost unbroken sunshine in Hedge End. I was pleased to see my first Orange tips of the year today. Two males both unwilling to settle, so no photos. Also seen Peacock x1, Comma x1 and plenty of Speckled Wood x8.I have borrowed a DSLR camera this week after using an old compact for several years. I managed to get a few Speckled Wood photos today.
First try with borrowed camera
First try with borrowed camera
I am starting to feel a little envious of those who are already into double figures with species this year. I have still not seen Red Admiral or Small Tortoiseshell this year :(

Re: April 2012

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:19 pm
by P.J.Underwood
My first Green-veined White at Botany Bay.

Re: April 2012

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:38 pm
by Stevie69
Had Speckled Wood x 4 and Small White on a local walk around Sunbury/Halliford. Steve. Have photos of speckled wood but on the phone