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Good News for Large Blues

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:45 am
by Gibster
I've just read this article regards the crucial identification of the ant species required for the Large Blue to complete its life cycle.

Scientists have developed a fast, cheap and reliable technique that vastly improves the chances of successfully reintroducing the endangered Large Blue butterfly to the UK. The test can tell the difference between two ant species that look, to us, virtually identical, but which are, at least from the rare butterfly's point of view, far from the same. One type of ant is essential for the Large Blue's survival, while the other spells almost certain death.

Read the full Birdguides article here -


Re: Good News for Large Blues

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:09 am
by Wurzel
Had a very quick scan and looks interesting - I'll save reading properly til next week when I'm at the out-laws in Wales - but cheers for drawing my attention to it :D

Have a goodun
