Small wetland area project

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Dave McCormick
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Small wetland area project

Post by Dave McCormick »

I regularly visit a small wetland area (about half an acre or just a little over) at the edge of a field that has always been kept as a wildlife area. There is couple of quite wet areas that have watercress and cuckooflower in them and frogs often and I have found ringed and brown china-mark moths there before as well as pippestrelle bats. There is not a lot of wildplants in the area but lots of grass as well as: great willowherb, hemp nettle, nettles, field bindweed, watercress, cuckooflower, dock, sorrel, birds-foot trefoil and sedges and bramble with a hawthorn hedge beside mixed woodland which is mostly conifer plantation with oak, alder and beech. What I would like to do as I am allowed, is sow a few more wildflower seeds in the area to attract more wildlife.

I have a few native seeds from a few species already that I would like to sow: marsh ragwort, bell heather, water avens, Devil's bit Scabious, ox-eye daisy and eyebright but does anyone know any others that might be good for an area that is usually quite muddy and wet?
Cheers all,
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Re: Small wetland area project

Post by Matsukaze »

Hi Dave,

Probably best to have a chat with your local botanists - there are all different types of wetland habitat and it would probably be best to plant out the species that would do best on the particular site that you have.
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Dave McCormick
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Re: Small wetland area project

Post by Dave McCormick »


Thanks, probably the best plan. I'll ask my local plant recorder and see what he says. I'll post an update on how it goes.
Cheers all,
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Re: Small wetland area project

Post by ChrisC »

fleabane, hemp agrimony, meadow sweet maybe even purple loosestrife

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