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Greece, July: questions.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:07 pm
by DaveF
Hi all,
I'm hoping to be away to see and photograph some of the stunning Greek species in late June/early July. Although I had originally planned a fortnight away, 10 days seems more realistic. I want to go independently with car-hire from Athens (though I do like e.g. the Naturetrek trip, I'm an academic and want to get a bit of peace to get some work done while I'm away also).

There are many resources available which help to put together an itinerary with sites to visit (the Naturetrek trip reports are very helpful in this regard); I also have the Pamperis book which is very helpful for the status of individual species. There is an excellent new series of Anavasi maps easily linked-in to GPS: I have the maps for a range of the main mountains in Southern and Central Greece, and am thinking about taking a GPS for additional help (and also for reporting locations and altitudes for my sightings).

My original plan, involving going for a fortnight, had me visit the Northern Peloponnese first (Kalavryta area, Chelmos, Erimanthos), then make my way north to Parnassus, before finally taking in Mt. Iti. Now that I'm a little more time-limited, I'm thinking that it would be better to focus on the Northern Peloponnese sites in the time available, esp. since it seems that this area has a particularly rich assortment of interesting and otherwise scarce mountain species (particularly Hairstreaks, Blues, Coppers, and Fritillaries; it would also be fantastic to be able to find an Apollo in Greece) .

So: does anyone have any particular advice for butterflying in the Northern Peloponnese in early July (where to go or extra info that I don't already know, where to avoid), or any good info about other considerations that I may not yet have thought about? I've been to Greece a number of times previously, including driving, so I know what I'm letting myself in for more generally, but I haven't been specifically to look for butterflies before.

Thanks all in advance!

Re: Greece, July: questions.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:17 pm
by DaveF
No comments?

Re: Greece, July: questions.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:48 pm
by Mikhail
My only visit to the Kalavryta area was in the first half of June and it was superb, but you are likely to see a different suite of species in July. In your place I would be looking for the Chelmos Blue Polyommatus iphigenia, the Odd-spot Blue Turanana endymion and the Fiery Copper Lycaena thetis high on Mt Chelmos. Frankly, you can hardly go wrong, wherever you go. I haven't visited the other mountains in the north of the Peloponnese, but I found Mt Menalo (Mainalo) and Mt Taygetos rewarding.
I should add that I was there in 1986 and also visited the Mt Parnassos.

Re: Greece, July: questions.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:12 pm
by DaveF
Thanks for that. Think Fiery Copper might be a little later, and is pretty scarce at the best of times, but definitely on the look-out for the others. I also have a map for Mainalo so might see about getting there too (a site for Bavius Blue I think).
Anyone a member of Butterfly Conservation EIG (am thinking of joining)? I believe they did a conservation trip to Chelmos relatively recently, but I can't seem to find any trace of a report online.

Re: Greece, July: questions.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:28 pm
by Roger Gibbons
This may not tell you anything you don't already know:

Re: Greece, July: questions.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 6:24 am
by DaveF
Thanks for that; I found that one!