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Nick Broomer

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:48 pm
by Nick Broomer
I am going to start a personal diary of my own, and as i joined this forum late summer, August 24th to be precise,
i am going to post photos which i took last spring/summer, and in no particular order.
1.5.2011 014_1.jpg
This fresh male Grizzled Skipper was taken at Chiddingfold Wood, [Oaken Wood]
1.5.2011 029_1.jpg
I had set myself a target on this particular day of photographing a Wood White egg laying,
and as you can see i got lucky.
1.5.2011 030_1_1.jpg
Not only did she lay an egg, she laid two, as the above picture shows.
10. 7. 2011 042_1.jpg
This picture was also taken at Oaken Wood, where i had an enjoyable few hours photographing
butterflies with Mark Colvin and his son James.
14.5.2011 070_1.jpg
The Common Blue is such a photogenic butterfly, and one that i have spent many a happy day
photographing, as you will see in later posts.
14.8.2011 005_1.jpg
This beautiful little girl was photographed on Denbies Hill, 15.5.11
15. 7. 2011-3_1.jpg
This Small Copper is well camouflaged in amongst the dead copper coloured Silver Birch
15,5,2011 039_1.jpg
The Dingy Skipper i find, is very hard to get a particular nice picture of, but i am
rather happy with this little chap.
16.9.2011 BRIMSTONE 009_1.jpg
And here is a female Migrant Hawker which i photographed on 16.9.11 along with some
Brimstones that you will see later.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:09 pm
by Mark Colvin
Hi Nick,

Glad to see you've taken the plunge with a personal diary.
hideandseek wrote:I had set myself a target on this particular day of photographing a Wood White egg laying and as you can see I got lucky.
An egg-laying Wood White is on my list for this year. The females I saw ovipositing last year just weren't hanging around for a picture, though all of my sightings were of individuals laying single eggs.

I look forward to seeing more pictures.

Kind regards. Mark

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:29 am
by Lee Hurrell
I agree, Nick, good to see a new diary.

Some lovely photos already and I look forward to seeing some more.

Best wishes,


Re: hideandseek

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:18 pm
by P.J.Underwood
I am pleased that you are coming out with your photo's.From the ones you sent me seperately I have always thought you were up with the best,indeed some are taking photography to a new level.But there,it is not everyone that adjusts the colour balance on a regular basis.We are working hard in Oaken wood to give you more opportunities this next year.Let's hope you can teach me a trick or two.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:22 pm
by NickMorgan
Lovely pictures. Looking forward to seeing more during the year.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:06 pm
by Nick Broomer
Hi Mark, Lee, P.J.U., Nick Morgan,

thankyou for your kind comments, its really appreciated,

all the best,


Re: hideandseek

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:59 pm
by Susie
Great photos, I look forward to seeing more. :D

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:30 pm
by Nick Broomer
This photo of a male Brimstone was taken with the sun behind the subject, which i think
works really well.
2. 7. 2011 061_1.jpg
This Purple Emperor was taken at Chiddingfold Wood, [C.W.]in the good company of Lee
Hurrell and Dave Millerd. A very enjoyable couple of hours.
2. 8. 2011 130_1_1.jpg
These charming Chalkhill Blues were photographed at Denbies on the 2.8.2011.
18.6,2011 022_1.jpg
There were very few Silver-Washed Frits. at C.W. this year compared to 2010.
19.6,2011 051_1.jpg
And the Red Admiral was also in short supply in this neck of the woods.
2. 8. 2011 215_1.jpg
The male Adonis Blue another beautiful insect i photographed at Denbies Hillside in Surrey.
This fellow had just emerged, and was still drying out in the midday sun.
19.6,2011 141_1.jpg
This Large Skipper was playing hide and seek, picking this Foxglove to hide. Not very well i might add. :lol:

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:07 pm
by David M
Amazing stuff! I've never seen a butterfly on foxgloves.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:54 pm
by Lee Hurrell
hideandseek wrote:This Purple Emperor was taken at Chiddingfold Wood, [C.W.]in the good company of Lee
Hurrell and Dave Millerd.
I remember Him very well :D
hideandseek wrote: A very enjoyable couple of hours
Completely agree!
David M wrote:I've never seen a butterfly on foxgloves.
Me either!

Lovely photos, Nick.

Best wishes,


Re: hideandseek

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:17 pm
by Nick Broomer
Hi Susie, David and Lee,

thankyou for your kind comments, its very nice of you all.

David and Lee, thats the only time i have seen a butterfly on a Foxglove, good job i managed a record shot. :)

All the best,


Re: hideandseek

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:09 pm
by Nick Broomer
1.5.2011 012_1.jpg
This male Grizzled Skipper was photographed at C.W., as were all the following pictures.
10. 7. 2011 025_1.jpg
This ringlet posed nicely for me on a dull July morning.
10. 7. 2011 035_1.jpg
These two male Wood Whites were photographed on the same day as the Ringlet, 10.7.2011.
The light was so bad my shutter speed was only 1/30 sec.
15,5,2011 088_1.jpg
The last time i photographed a pair of Common Blues mating the pair of them were so worn
and tatty, so i was chuffed to bits when i found these two.
15.6,2011 002_1.jpg
This Meadow Brown was photographed sunning himself in the early morning sun.
19.6,2011 002-1_1.jpg
I managed to get this lovely shot of this Small Skipper on this Bramble flower, before he flew off.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:52 pm
by Neil Freeman
Some lovely shots on this diary already.

Looking forward to seeing what you post through the coming year.


Neil F.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:38 am
by Nick Broomer
Thanks Neil F, really nice of you to say,

all the best,

13. 7. 2011 008_1.jpg
This photo of a 2nd brood Wood White was taken at 18.32 in poor light, shutter speed, 1/30sec. A.V, 8.
16.9.2011 BRIMSTONE 013_1.jpg
This picture of a 2nd brood female Brimstone was taken on 16.9.2011 at 3pm.
19.6,2011 140_1.jpg
This Silver-Washed Fritillary was photographed at C.W. along with the two pictures above.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:42 am
by Mark Colvin
Hi Nick,

Some lovely images ... keep them coming :D

Kind regards. Mark

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:02 pm
by Nick Broomer
[quote="Mark Colvin"]Hi Neil

I thought my name was Nick. :lol:

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:52 pm
by Mark Colvin
:oops: :oops: :oops:
That's a bit embarrassing for Mr dot the I's and cross the T's ... :lol: :lol:

Original now corrected.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:04 pm
by Nick Broomer
Hi Mark,

it happens to the best of us.

Thanks for your comments, its very kind of you.

All the best,


Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:12 pm
by Nick Broomer
20,5,2011 072_1.jpg
This is a female Brimstone that has over-wintered here, and is now enjoying a lovely
spring morning nectaring in the sun.
20.6,2011 100_1.jpg
This shot of a male Marbled White was taken in the meadow on the right before you
enter Oaken Wood, [C.W.]in the afternoon, on 20.6.2010.
15,5,2011 194_1.jpg
This Red Admiral is well camouflaged sitting on this decaying tree stump,i did`nt
notice it until he/she opened its wings.
21.8.2011 017_1.jpg
And this female Silver-Spotted Skipper was photographed on 21.8.2010. at Denbies.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:50 pm
by Nick Broomer
2. 7. 2011 129_1.jpg
This female Ringlet was photographed at C.W. ON 2.7.2011.
2. 7. 2011 132_1.jpg
Here is another picture taken at C.W. of a 2nd brood male Green-Veined White.