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Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:24 pm
by Vince Massimo
This is a thread in which to post your favourite photo(s) of a particular species taken in 2011..........................or the last time you saw one!

This is part of a series which has been growing throughout the winter with the aim of covering all 58 British species. This is the final week and any remaining gaps now relate to the Cryptic Wood White and our rare migrants. Anybody is now welcome to open a seperate topic on these.

Details of places, dates, times and circumstances would be appreciated and please feel free to contribute observations of behaviour, personal encounters, anecdotes and other interesting points.


Re: Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 5:07 pm
by EricY
Wood White close up @ Wicken wood
Wood White close up @ Wicken wood
I like this as blue flower adds some interest to the Wood white. Taken 23rd May 2011 @ Wicken wood. Cool windy day & had to hunt for them low down in the vegitation. Once found however they did not move even when camera was pushed up very close. Macro setting on my old Sony H50. Eric

Re: Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:41 pm
by millerd
For me, Botany Bay in Surrey is the place to go to see these delicate little things. Every visit between April and July 2011 produced a number of these, and when all eyes are on Purple Emperors, it is interesting to watch the Wood Whites flitting largely ignored past the upturned rear ends of photographers paying homage to HIM on the ground. The first shot is a first brood example from April 25th, the next a ragged first brood tailender from 16th June, and finally a dazzlingly white second brood male from 2nd July.


Re: Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:49 pm
by Reverdin
This beauty was in the South of France in April 2011...

Re: Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:49 pm
by johnv
A great day out at Oaken Wood, numerous Wood White along the open paths, Speckled Yellow in the more shaded edges and a Cream-spot Tiger.