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Brimstone - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 7:41 pm
by Vince Massimo
Firstly an apology.

I have just accidentally deleted the entire topic relating to the Brimstone Favourite Photos of 2011 :oops: .
I am very sorry................ I thought there were two duplicate topics, so was trying to tidy up the Species Forum.

I know that there were 13 posts on this topic and would ask that we all try to re-submit our photos. I will start off...........

Last year, at the Sussex Branch AGM (always an entertaining afternoon), I bought some raffle tickets and won a prize. I chose some potted Elder Buckthorn plants (Brimstone Food :D )

This year I raised a single Brimstone larva, which emerged as a beautiful female.
Brimstone Female - Caterham, Surrey (reared) 26-June-11
Brimstone Female - Caterham, Surrey (reared) 26-June-11
Here she is photographed on the foodplant. I aim to produce a full Species Report for this, but still need to get some more photos.


Re: Brimstone - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:14 pm
by Wurzel
This was taken at Stockbridge Down on 22-08. Pretty standard pose but it's special because I was supposed to be stuck in West Quay shopping with my wife - possibly shoes or even worse Ikea :twisted: . But no, my wife said she wanted to stay in, and why didn't I "pop out for an hour or two"...well once I'd recovered from the shock I had to go really didn't I, it would have been rude not too? :wink:
Have a goodun


Re: Brimstone - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:14 pm
by ChrisC
this is mine form last year, made me realise just how much i really did need a camera. this taken with my phone.
but from this year this is my favourite.

Re: Brimstone - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:33 pm
by Nick Broomer
This one i took at Chiddingfold wood, [Oaken Wood] on 24,9,2011, at 12-31-28pm precisely.
24.9.2011 005 Brimstone_2.jpg
I like the way the sun brings out the best in this male.
shutter, 1/160, A.V. 10, ISO 200. Canon 450D, Sigma 150.

Re: Brimstone - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:37 pm
by Susie
I find brimstones really elusive. This is just about the only pic I got of one this year.

Re: Brimstone - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:43 pm
by MikeOxon
Vince Massimo wrote:I have just accidentally deleted the entire topic relating to the Brimstone
Vince, you really shouldn't edit the forum immediately after Christmas dinner!!! Doesn't Pete maintain a backup against such contingencies?

Because I was so pleased with my open-winged Brimstone photo, I re-instate it here:
Otmoor, Oxon - 25 May 2011<br />Nikon D300s with 70-300VR - 1/1500s@f/5.6 ISO400
Otmoor, Oxon - 25 May 2011
Nikon D300s with 70-300VR - 1/1500s@f/5.6 ISO400

Re: Brimstone - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:47 pm
by Charles Nicol

Re: Brimstone - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:02 pm
by David M
MikeOxon wrote: Because I was so pleased with my open-winged Brimstone photo, I re-instate it here
Quite right too! That's a rarely seen sight indeed.

Re: Brimstone - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:05 pm
by The Annoying Czech

I find Mr. Gonepteryx the worst "model" of all species I got into touch with. However, with the lemon-coloured males calmly sitting on the ground, is the contrast and the whole situation much better.

The species is available for the most of the season in Central Europe, often in very big numbers. I remember Brimstones to be much scarcer & random in my childhood, kind of like Holly Blues.

This particular photo is taken at some "August Wet Ground Butterfly Festival" :D, also visited by Short-tailed Blue, Silver-washed Fritillary, Red Admiral and Map.

Re: Brimstone - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:06 pm
by David M
hideandseek wrote:This one i took at Chiddingfold wood, [Oaken Wood] on 24,9,2011, at 12-31-28pm precisely. I like the way the sun brings out the best in this male.
That's a lovely shot showing the deep, buttery yellow of the male.