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Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing?

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:13 am
by Susie
This is rather a spin off from the 'must do' thread but slightly different.

I am really looking forward to seeing my first orange tip next year, that for me is when the season really kicks off and the lanes when they are frothy with ladies smock are a real joy to behold.

I'm also looking forward to watching silver washed fritillaries wheeling along the woodland rides.

What about you? :-)

Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:20 am
by marmari
I would agree with all that and I am particularly hoping to see a Large Tortoiseshell in March as I did not see one here last year despite a lot of attempts.

Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:23 pm
by David M
Brimstones always give me a lift at any time of year, though particularly in spring.

The High Brown flight period at Ewenny is always an exciting time whilst I personally have a date with Purple Emperor in early July.

Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:01 pm
by Matsukaze
Not sure I would want to go on a date with the Emperor, given his feeding habits!

Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:24 pm
by Gibster
My first spankingly fresh male Orange-tip of the season is always a joy. And the first skipper too, of any species!

But it is the Mountain Ringlet I still need to spend some time with...grrrrrrr


PS - Marmari, let me know if you fancy an extra pair of eyes to help you in your LargeTortoiseshell search. PM me nearer the time? Seriously!

Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:06 pm
by David M
Gibster wrote:But it is the Mountain Ringlet I still need to spend some time with...grrrrrrr
Irton Fell, Gibster.

They're unmissable.

Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:55 pm
by dave brown
I am with Gibster on this one. Although I have seen them before in Scotland I would like to see Mountain Ringlet again. Its not just the butterfly but the great setting they occur in. I think a trip to Irton Fell may well be on the cards next year.
I also agree with Susie that the first Orange Tips are a joy to see and a positive sign of things to come. They are probably the one we all look forward to seeing as it heralds busy and exciting times ahead.

Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:51 pm
by MikeOxon
It sounds as though Irton Fell is going to be a crowded place in 2012! I have seen MR several times but never managed a decent photo yet, so it's high on my list.


Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:19 am
by David M
MikeOxon wrote:It sounds as though Irton Fell is going to be a crowded place in 2012! I have seen MR several times but never managed a decent photo yet, so it's high on my list.
The problem is that a) they never settle for long, and b) when they do they're almost always part obscured by grass blades. :(

Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:05 am
by Susie
Would evostick on a suitably placed branch help?

Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 1:39 pm
by Goldie M
I look forward to seeing my 1st Butterfly whatever it is Susie, it's a signal wer'e into Spring. This year though we're going to Devon and Dorset I'm hoping to see Silver Studded Blues to add to my collection of photo's of Blues. Also the Large Blue if possible I assume the LB is found in that area. We've not been to D/D for years and in those days I must admit I was not in touch with my Butterfly craze then :D I would also like to see a Marsh Frillary, I've not seen one of those either, so next year can't come quick enough, :D Goldie M :)

Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:53 pm
by Rosalyn
Green Hairstreaks for me. It was the first more localised butterfly we found and I always look forward to seeing them, Good for distracting Swallowtail photographers in 'the garden' too, I wasn't getting a look in until I mentioned it :)

Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:33 pm
by Wurzel
At this time of the year any will do! :wink:

I think I am most looking forward to seeing Grizzled Skipper as I think they are just cracking little butterflies.

Have a goodun


Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:55 pm
by essexbuzzard
Its Orange Tips and the first Adonis Blues at Mill Hill for me.Then spring has really arrived,and we can think of great days to come.
Anyone trying for Mountain Ringlet,i too would recomend Irton Fell. It's fairly easy walking,and i saw them in abundance there this year. But ignore the flight times in the books-this is a low(ish) level site near the warm coast. So the first or second week in June is probably best. The weather is often better in early summer,too,before going down hill later.
As many an August visitor can testify!
Regards, Mark.

Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:33 am
by ScottD
i like Orange Tips, Green Hairstreaks are a personal favourite, I'm fond of Chequered Skippers & Marsh Frits but I think that the 1 that I'm looking forward to most next year is the Small Blue - hopefully next year our BC branch will be attempting to re-introduce them back to South West Scotland after a 30 year absence ...

but any butterfly is a good butterfly :wink:

Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:28 am
by MikeOxon
Susie wrote:Would evostick on a suitably placed branch help?
Even I can't face the amount of Photoshop work that would be needed to make the result look "natural"


Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:15 pm
by Jack Harrison
Brimstone — signalling that winter hasn't got much longer to go — in six or seven weeks time.


Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:31 pm
by Jack Harrison
Not a butterfly but the season to look forward to. Today, 22nd was the shortest day so it's uphill from now on. Here is the sunset across Wash.
Taken from Heacham. To left of post Sutton Bridge, Lincs, power station can just be made out.

Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:00 pm
by Philzoid
Jack Harrison wrote:Brimstone — signalling that winter hasn't got much longer to go — in six or seven weeks time.
I agree Jack. Brimstones always raise the spirits for the coming season.

Lying amongst the knapweed flowers of Martin Down, listening to the skylarks, yellowhammers and linnets and watching the Dark Green Fritillaries dancing from flower to flower was an unbeatable experience for me this year and something I'd love to repeat.

For a first time sighting, the Swallowtail is top of my list for 2012.


Re: Which butterflies are you most looking forward to seeing

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:40 pm
by millerd
Goldie M wrote:This year though we're going to Devon and Dorset I'm hoping to see Silver Studded Blues to add to my collection of photo's of Blues. Also the Large Blue if possible I assume the LB is found in that area. Goldie M :)
Goldie - you'll need to stop off in Somerset (Collard Hill) on the way down in order to see Large Blues, and it'll have to be between mid-June and mid-July. This is the right time of year for the Silver-studded Blues too, though at different sites - in Devon and Dorset, rather than Somerset. Well worth doing!
