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butterflies in Poland

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:43 pm
by motylpodlaski
if anyone is interested in Eastern Europe butterflies i invite to webpage

Podlasie (Polish: Podlasie, Belarusian: Падляшша Padlyashsha) is a historical region in the eastern part of Poland and western Belarus. It is located between the Biebrza River in the north and its natural continuation to the south — the Polesie area. At present Podlachia is used primarily in reference to the Polish part of the region, which is traditionally divided between the northern (north of Bug River) and southern Podlasie. The northern part of Podlasie is included in the modern Podlaskie Voivodeship.

Re: butterflies in Poland

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:20 pm
by Padfield
What a fantastic wealth of butterfly photos! I'm in the middle of preparing exams for my students so don't have time to go through them all now, but I look forward to it very much.

I had a quick look at the Pieridae and the first couple of pages of the Lycaenidae - hours of enjoyment to come there! With the greatest respect, I think there are a few identification errors (you have a lot more napi than you think, and I believe your helle on Lycaenidae p.2 are tityrus... :D ) but that's all part of the fun!



Re: butterflies in Poland

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:37 pm
by David M
Fascinating stuff. Is that region the area where the last European primeval forest is situated? From memory, I believe it is on the Polish/Ukranian/Belorussian border. Not entirely sure of the exact whereabouts.

Re: butterflies in Poland

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:12 pm
by Wurzel
Some stunning photos there - is that your head with a Comma attached? I visited the Biebrza Marshes and the Bialowieza Forest among other places in Poland in 2002 on a 10 day Birding holiday (I wasn't into butterflies then). Stunning scenery and birds - we even saw wild Lynx! And the beer - my favourite was Warka...Thank you "motylpodlaski" for reminding me of that visit and it's Pygmy Owl, Greater Spotted Eagle, Aquatic Warbler, Syrian Woodpecker...I'm off to reread my bird diaries!

Have a goodun


Re: butterflies in Poland

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:19 pm
by The Annoying Czech
Hells bells! Another Slavonian in the forums! Dzien dobry :D

I clearly see Poland list of butterflies is far more similar to Czech one than the UK butterfly fauna. Even in case of such out-of-the-way corner of Poland. Saving some more cryophylic or eastern species (Argynnis laodice, Carterocephalus silvicolus).

Eg. that spring Maps & its biotopes are practically the same I posted here in May.

Is there a reasons to believe that famous "troublemakers" Lycaena helle and Lopinga achine are relatively stable in SE Poland?

Re: butterflies in Poland

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:34 pm
by JKT
padfield wrote:I think there are a few identification errors (you have a lot more napi than you think, and I believe your helle on Lycaenidae p.2 are tityrus... :D ) but that's all part of the fun!y
And I think your B. euphrosyne on Nymphalidae page 2 are all B. selene. The last two are a bit questionable, though. P. machaon seems to have misplaced itself within Nymphalidae...

There are also three quite suspicious B. inos at Nymphalidae page 9.
Pages 13, 17, 20, 22, 25 and 26 - Melitaea athalia? They seem quite dark to me. Could be that they look like that where you are, but for me they are strange. I won't even try diamina/britomartis/aurelia...

Great pictures!

Re: butterflies in Poland

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:42 pm
by motylpodlaski
thank you if you find mistakes, please send me info, i will check it and rename
in my website onlu few photos (maybe 5) are from Balkany, they have another discrabing
in our region (Poland/Belarus), which is also very rich, natural areas are urbanizing I think it's the last few years such a wealth of nature
Please enjoy the content and welcome to the Poland in future
Lycaena helle and Lopinga achine in some locations are relatively frequent

Re: butterflies in Poland

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:42 pm
by The Annoying Czech
I googled a bit around Podlaskie and googled and googled... and suddenly caught myself reading through some conservation-oriented pdf about biology and ecology of Jutta Arctic in Nove Bagno, Podlasie, Poland :) The only relevant question is, how much the petrol cost in Polska :D

I imagine I could take up E. Maturna, Coenonympha Hero/Oedippus, Lopinga Achine, etc. en route, by reason of the current horrifying population status of the open forest species in the Czech Republic. (Open forests - together with sandbanks and naked rocks - are the most endangered local biotopes. Totally different matter are various wet/alluvial meadows, which clearly supports another 3 Natura 2000-relevant species, that sometimes wouldn't be even discussed to protect, if EU didn't exist.)

How's that even possible you don't have any Jutta Arctic snapped? :D

P.S. is there online a Polish version of this, concerning butterflies? I live in a Silesian borderland, which is obviously pretty near (sector 6276).

Re: butterflies in Poland

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:36 pm
by motylpodlaski
Look at the page
i haven't snapped Jutta Arctic jet - Mszarnik Jutta- in our region. But there is a possibility to catch it in the future.

PS E-95 about 5,40 zł

Re: butterflies in Poland

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:46 pm
by David M
That's a really interesting website (I particularly like the way the various European names for the butterfly are aligned for easy reading), though at least one distribution map is rather optimistic:

Lycaena Dispar

If only!

Re: butterflies in Poland

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:01 pm
by Mark Colvin
David M wrote:though at least one distribution map is rather optimistic:
If only indeed :D