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New Member

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:08 am
by wlowery
Would like to say a quick hi to everyone, and also loving the photo's and information available on here, great stuff :D

Re: New Member

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:27 am
by marmari
Hi Wlowery,I am sure you will find the contributions and opinions helpful and interesting,I always have.

Re: New Member

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:13 pm
by Ian Pratt
Welcome from another member on the Isle of Wight. Great to have you on board. Excellent photos and discussions guaranteed! :)

Re: New Member

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:38 pm
by Rogerdodge
Hi, and welcome to the site.
I see you are from Cornwall - a great county for all sorts of wildlife - and pretty good for butterflies too.
This is probably the best wildlife related websites on the internet.
Not only is there a whole wealth of information available here, but also a very approachable and knowledgeable membership that can answer just about any butterfly question you may have.
Living just across the border in N. Devon I often find myself meandering down to Cornwall.
Maybe we will bump into each other when I come down for Silver-studded Blue in 2012.

Re: New Member

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:50 pm
by Vince Massimo
Yes, welcome to the site. Looking forward to contributions from your lovely part of the world :mrgreen:


Re: New Member

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:36 pm
by Piers
^^Ditto^^ I spend a lot of time in Cornwall especially during silver studded blue season. It has some of the most interesting populations of this species in the country. Welcome along :D

Re: New Member

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:34 pm
by Rosalyn
Hi, welcome from the fens :D

Re: New Member

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:05 pm
by essexbuzzard
Yes,welcome from East Anglia! As we come from Cornwall ourselves,may i congatulate you on living in such a great county! Do you live in the west or east? We are from Madron,near Penzance. Will probably bump into you at some stage,as we often out and about in the county :D
Kind regards,Mark.

Re: New Member

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:43 pm
by Pete Eeles
As Rodge says, Wayne, welcome to the best website on the planet. Not that I'm biased or anything :)


- Pete

Re: New Member

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:10 pm
by David M
Ditto to the welcome given previously by others.

Cornwall is rather unrepresented on here so it would be quite a coup to have a contributor who can report back on all things wildlife related in this region.

Re: New Member

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:02 am
by lee3764
Hi wlowery.....from a fellow Cornwall forum member! Cornwall IS represented on least by me anyhow! Please look at our website
Here you will find lots to entertain you & plenty of fieldtrips to attend (which I organise) to see many of Cornwall's choicest & uncommon/rare butterflies.
Look forward to seeing you on one or more of our fieldtrips during 2012. :D
Lee Slaughter (Cornwall Butterfly Conservation Fieldtrip organiser).

Re: New Member

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:40 am
by wlowery
Many Thanks, to you all for the warm welcome.
Who knows maybe our paths have crossed at some time especially if you have visited Penhale sands on your Silver Studded Blue forays :D , and will lee will definitely be interested in some of the workshops/guides etc you have setup for 2012. I live and work in Newquay, so middle of the county really, although i try to get out and about i don't get nearly as much time as i would like to go and try to photograph the Cornish wildlife. Will try to upload some photographs as soon as i learn how, but do have some on my blog.... that i started earlier this year (i say blog but more a collection of photographs). Many thanks for the replies and look forward to speaking to you all further.

Many Thanks, Wayne.

Re: New Member

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:23 pm
by MikeOxon
Hi Wayne,

I've just been enjoying the photos on your blog. I see that, like myself, your natural history interests spread a lot wider than butterflies. You are very fortunate to live in such a beautiful part of the country and I'll look forward to seeing more of your photos!


Re: New Member

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:39 pm
by lee3764
wlowery wrote:Many Thanks, to you all for the warm welcome.
Who knows maybe our paths have crossed at some time especially if you have visited Penhale sands on your Silver Studded Blue forays :D , and will lee will definitely be interested in some of the workshops/guides etc you have setup for 2012. I live and work in Newquay, so middle of the county really, although i try to get out and about i don't get nearly as much time as i would like to go and try to photograph the Cornish wildlife. Will try to upload some photographs as soon as i learn how, but do have some on my blog.... that i started earlier this year (i say blog but more a collection of photographs). Many thanks for the replies and look forward to speaking to you all further.

Many Thanks, Wayne.
Hi Wayne,
I've looked at your blog and am well impressed with your photographs! We are having our Cornwall Butterfly Conservation AGM day on Saturday 28th January, 2012 @ 10:00am until 4:00pm at St Erme village community centre which seats over 100 people and there will be lots of opportunities to discuss whatever you want and see several illustrated talks on Butterflies & Moths. Entry free! Look at our Butterfly Conservation Cornwall website for full details. It really brings together all interested in butterflies (however little or much) in Cornwall & we are all an informal & friendly bunch. Please feel free to attend. Our website will show 2012's field meetings for butterflies & Moths when I've compiled it probably by the end of January. Feel free to attend any of these too! We always cover all of Cornwall's 6 resident Fritillary species during the Spring & Summer. By the way, I have been going to Penhale Sands since 1981 almost every year to see the Silver-Studded Blues! Like nothing else you will see in Britain when the blues are mass emerging during 1st half of June!!!! The most I ever saw was 20,000+ during one morning in June 2004!! Brilliant memories indeed!
Cheers Wayne,
Lee Slaughter (Cornwall Butterfly Conservation Fieldtrip Organiser & Founder Member).