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Ger orf my land

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:28 pm
by Jack Harrison
I would like to start a winter season thread for the most unpleasant and arrogant “keep out” notice.

Saw this one today at Snettisham Norfolk, at a point where I was already well along the beach so it would have involved a huge retracing of steps to follow the “non-private” route.Image

There is, it would seem, to be an on-going row and apparently maps purporting to be based on Natural England Access Land, might have been “modified” [my interpretation]. But I now know that provided I keep at least 20 metres from any Wendy House (sorry, I mean beach chalet) then I should be OK.


Re: Ger orf my land

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:05 pm
by EricY
Yes Jack, an ongoing row! in spite of the path being used by villagers & holidaymakers for a very very long time. I believe it all started when a member of what is known as the "Legal profession" bought one of the Chalets & stirred up the others in order to "pull a fast one". I believe they have no case at all & anyway there would be no chalets there if our taxes had not paid for the sea wall to be built. Take away the concrete defences & they would all be gone by next March!. Eric

Re: Ger orf my land

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:41 pm
by Jack Harrison
This sign (by the Cut-Off Channel to south of Downham Market) is worded a little "more gently".Image
But again it is deliberately misleading. The track that can be seen going to the right is in fact a public right of way; straight on (not visible in this photo) is however not a right of way.

Since I saw those signs at Snettisham yesterday, I have done more research. I will in future ignore them.

That section of the Cut Off Channel used to be a Golden Oriole spot. Anyone know if it still is? If it is, then that would be the best argument (in the breeding season) to keep away.


Re: Ger orf my land

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:56 pm
by Gibster
No Golden Orioles there nowadays, Jack. You'll need to find some other ammo to throw at them, I'm afraid!

All the best,


PS And if there was you'd be contravening Pete's updated Rules. It's not just potential butterfly collectors viewing this website.

Re: Ger orf my land

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:04 pm
by NickMorgan
Signs like those make me glad that I live in Scotland!

Re: Ger orf my land

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:04 pm
by Ian Pratt
This is the sign on land where my black labrador was attacked and almost killed whilst on a lead on a public footpath when attacked by two adult rottweilers running freely!! Sadly the police were uanable to prosecute under the Dangerous Dogs Act!!!!!

Re: Ger orf my land

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:54 pm
by Jack Harrison
We have intelligent bulls in Norfolk - they can read.

I must say I was a bit concerned that the bull might sneak up on me, read the notice and presume that I had put up the sign and be rather displeased with me for stopping him going into that field.


Re: Ger orf my land

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:41 pm
by ChrisC
Jack Harrison wrote:Image
i'm just glad the installer put the bolt in the correct way in the top one :)

Re: Ger orf my land

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:13 pm
by Jack Harrison
Eric (re Snettisham)
Take away the concrete defences & they would all be gone by next March!
Perhaps even as early as yesterday. The storm surge Monday morning took a lot of people by surprise as the wind wasn't in the "right" direction being almost a straight westerly (normally northwest or north is required for a North Sea surge).


Re: Ger orf my land

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:52 pm
by Jack Harrison
He's a snappy little blighter so I don't object to this sign.

The second advert down ... cessories/
suggests a wealthy owner.


Re: Ger orf my land

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:47 pm
by JohnR
If you could unscrew the sign and post it to me because I have a black and tan that lives up to its colouring and tries to savage me at almost every opportunity.

Re: Ger orf my land

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:42 pm
by MikeOxon
I've posted this one before but I think it belongs in this thread, as one of the most unfriendly collections of signs on a public Right of Way in Britain!
Bridleway on Otmoor, Oxon
Bridleway on Otmoor, Oxon
The first notice on the left warns that 'Cows with Calves can be Aggressive', then a fairly standard 'Bull in Field' warning. Next is an unexploded ordnance warning and on the right a warning about the Military Firing Range. Oh,and rather lost amongst these, is the blue 'Bridleway' sign! Take your pick from the various hazards if you pass the gate!


Re: Ger orf my land

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:43 pm
by Pawpawsaurus
MikeOxon wrote:I've posted this one before but I think it belongs in this thread, as one of the most unfriendly collections of signs on a public Right of Way in Britain!
These look very like some signs I saw about thee months ago, while searching for Brown Hairstreaks.

I'd spent most of the day at Whitecross Green Wood, but I adjourned to a nearby RSPB reserve to visit a bridleway which had been recommended to me. By the time I reached this spot it was late afternoon, and I didn't fancy wandering much farther from the car park. But I think these signs would have served as an effective deterrent regardless of the time of day.


Re: Ger orf my land

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:51 pm
by MikeOxon
Pawpawsaurus wrote:These look very like some signs I saw about thee months ago, while searching for Brown Hairstreaks
Very likely - the lane (old Roman Road) from the RSPB car park to this forbidding gate is an excellent place for Brown Hairstreak.
