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Finally book!

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:20 pm
by Wurzel
This summer I decided to put my photos and writing into a book; "Butterflies 2011 - Sites and Sights" using Booksmart a program that you can download for free from Blurb. The link below allows a preview of the first 15 pages as it is now complete! :D 8)

I hope it makes for an enjoyable read

Have a goodun


Re: Finally book!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:07 am
by Michaeljf
Hi Wurzel,
well done - Blurb do an excellent site and if you haven't yet recieved your 'printed copy' version you'll no doubt be very impressed by the quality all the way through (I've already done 4 books on there! :roll: ). I'll no doubt have a look at your preview later :) .

Re: Finally book!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:28 am
by Paul Wetton
Very impressive Wurzel
Had a quick look. There's some great photos in there. I'll have a look at the text later when not at work.
Overall looks very professional. Might have a go at a book myself.
All the best.

Re: Finally book!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:38 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Good work Wurzel - very impressive!

I particularly like the way you set up each location with a picture page with the location name on it. And Paul's right, some very nice shots in there.

I knew about Blurb from Michael's (very good) books and I would also quite like to try one, it's just finding the time I guess!

Best wishes,


Re: Finally book!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:29 pm
by Neil Hulme
Nice one Wurzel. Projects like this are always worthwhile, irrespective of circulation figures. It would be nice to see a copy sometime. Looks like you've made a good job of it.

Re: Finally book!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:40 pm
by Wurzel
Thanks guys for all your kind comments :D Cheers!

Have a goodun


Re: Finally book!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:47 pm
by jenks
Hi Wurzel,

very impressed with the book and your photos. I wish I were half as proficient with a camera and a computer !.

I love visiting Bentley Wood & Martin Down (your neck of the woods ), maybe I`ll meet you there next year.


Re: Finally book!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:57 pm
by David M
Fascinating stuff. I never knew you could produce your own book.

There look to be some lovely photos in there and I daresay a lot of work has gone into it.

Well done, Wurzel.

Re: Finally book!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:22 pm
by Mark Colvin
Hi Wurzel,

I've just caught up with your post and taken a look at your book. I think you've made a really good job of it. Blurb is a website I have previously bookmarked having seen an earlier post from Michael. I may give it a go myself one day.

Kind regards. Mark

Re: Finally book!

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:25 pm
by Wurzel
Cheers guys for your compliments and kind comments :D The Booksmart program from Blurb made it relatively easy but it still took a while and I'm currently working my way out of the doghouse with my wife :( - if there is such a thing as a "book widow" then she has been that recently :wink:
Jenks if you see someone wearing a green "Australia" cowboy hat that'll be me! :)

Have a goodun


Re: Finally book!

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 6:23 pm
by David M
I'm just glad you flagged the website up, Wurzel. I have produced calendars based on my own photos but never did I realise that you could produce a book.

I'll certainly be thinking of doing something like this over the coming year.

Re: Finally book!

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:47 am
by Willrow
Just caught up with this post Wurzel, excellent job well done, super images and interesting text, great thing is most of us have visited at least some of the sites mentioned in your book, it makes me feel as if I'm revisting places such as Alners Gorse and Bentley Woods 8) It's such a lovely way of capturing those special 'butterflying days' and in the process become a published does that feel?

MichaelJF mentioned Blurb to me earlier in the year, I really should have taken more notice then, but your book has now prompted me to produce my own, I'll make a grand effort over the winter period. Yesterday I received in the post a bargain purchase from Amazons Black Friday Sale - Corel's Paintshop Pro X4 Ultimate - and as part of the Ultimate package there was a coupon from Blurb to the value of £20.95 towards a photo book, what further incentive do I need :D

I'm so glad you posted this, and congratulations I'm really impressed, I'm going to have to make another visit to the Blurb website now and take a closer look at Michael's books!

Best Wishes,
Bill :D

Re: Finally book!

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:16 pm
by Jack Harrison
Yes. Very good. Thanks.


Re: Finally book!

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:42 pm
by Wurzel
Cheers Bill and Jack! :D I haven't got round to altering the pages on the preview yet - but I'm posting a chapter a week from the book in my personal diary - this week is going to be Ebble Valley. I was going to post it on Saturday but what with the attending the Jolly I don't know what my hand to eye co-ordination is going to be like so it might have to wait until Sunday! :wink:

Have a goodun


Re: Finally book!

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:27 am
by Michaeljf
Hi Bill,
an easy link to my books are below, though you can always go through my own website as there is a link on the 'shop' there. ... -bookshelf

I'm almost finished with my 'dream' book of Brecon Beacon Panoramas that I've been working on (in my head at least) for about 4 years. I'm warning you of this because as soon as I have a 'first' copy of the large version I may be asking you to proof-read some of the text (so I don't call Llangors a lump of **** by accident by putting an 'e' on the end etc). :wink:


Re: Finally book!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:34 am
by Willrow
Well Michael, I so glad that at least a few of the things I mentioned to you during our days together during the summer had some effect :wink: I'm absolutely delighted to hear that your Brecon Beacons Panoramas book is almost ready for publication, I can't wait to see it...and if I can be of any help at all with proof reading (seriously!) I'd be more than pleased to, I've seen too many books about the Brecon Beacons National Park spoiled by confusing or misunderstood translation or heaven forebid, stating that the photograph being viewed is supposedly in one place when it's actually 35 miles away :shock: to illustrate my point the AA (no less) published in 2009 Impressions of the Brecon Beacons and it's littered with locations being misplaced, classical example of the editorial staff not doing their job or at least not having someone who's familiar with an area to proof read etc. This does'nt only apply to books, I've just had quite a run in with the editorial staff of Countryfile magazine over a lead article in a recent edition about the Brecon Beacons, I won't bore you any further with details, but why should they spoil a good book or article simply because of poor editing/proofing.

I'll take time out to look at your website in more detail, and I'm glad that both you and Wurzel have published books via Blurb on Butterflies, more of us will undoubtably join you in the future.

Best Wishes,
Bill :D

Re: Finally book!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:00 am
by David M
I too will be taking a peek. It's a great innovation courtesy of web technology and I may well try it myself soon.

Re: Finally book!

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:53 pm
by legless2007
what a great idea and a lovely book, i've done these when i've been travelling but I hadn't thought of recording my butterfly year like this. I couldn't hope for photos as good as yours though


Re: Finally book!

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:37 pm
by Wurzel
Thank you for your kind comments Jo :D As for the photos being good that's the camera - not me! :wink: :lol:

Have a goodun
