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Scarce Copper - Favourite Photo of 2011

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:01 pm
by The Annoying Czech
Maybe scarce in lowlands, but it's definitely Common Copper in Central European foothills and mountains, where is reasonably ever-present and tolerating various levels of succession and moisture. Unlike Small Copper and Large Copper, SC much more abundant in a very suitable biotopes (although not literally outbreaken, as eg. Argynnis adippe/aglaja can be). However, they are still avoiding uniform, homogeneous agro-areas.

From about 50 photos taken, I unfortunately like only this one with a fresh, kinda optimistic looking female :) It was near the mountain top (altitude around 800) with no sun, which makes those absolutely heliophile species pretty much confused and tame.

(I live in altitude 350 - 380 and here are apparently no "common" Scarce Coppers, but a reasonable numbers of "rare" Large Coppers.)


Re: Scarce Copper - Favourite Photo

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:54 pm
by dilettante
Nice picture of a beautiful butterfly, but you need to go easy on the sharpening! (See the halo round the antennae, for example)