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Large, unidentified flying object ..

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:02 pm
by Cotswold Cockney
Been some nice sightings in my garden during the recent prolonged warm spell of cloudless blue skies and unseasonably high temperatures. Commas, Speckled Woods ( still resident despite removal of four substantial ornamental conifers ) Peacocks, Red Admirals and a single Painted lady. Highlight for me several Hummingbird Hawk Moths.

On Friday around mid day again in hot continuous sunshine, flying strongly through the garden without stopping and heading due south, a large dark butterfly. Larger than a Red admiral, Peacock and darker... My first thought was a Large Tortoiseshell but as it was darker than that Butterfly, possibly a Camberwell Beauty.

Has there been any reported sightings of N.antiopa in the UK recently.

During my lifetime's observations, there have now been numerous sightings which shall always remain in my memory as " what the heck was that!"

.. :)

Re: Large, unidentified flying object ..

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:51 pm
by selbypaul
Having been extremely lucky to fluke a Camberwell Beauty in the Lake District in the famous year of 1995, all I can say is that they are unmistakable.

A couple of times since I have seen "huge dark butterflies" that at a distance made me suspect Camberwell. Indeed there is one I am still unsure about. But most occassions have turned out to be highly likely to be unusually large Peacock.

So that's not to say you didn't see a Camberwell. But those Peacock's can be darn frustrating at times!

Re: Large, unidentified flying object ..

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:42 pm
by Trev Sawyer
in 2007, I was fortunate enough to have a Camberwell Beauty do a couple of loops of my garden before landing on a neighbours wall and from underneath, the pale edging on the wings was the most striking thing about it in flight - it also looked huge!

PS: This dark flying object went over the garden on Sunday afternoon and although unexpected, WAS identifiable... :D
Sally B.jpg
The "Sally-B" B-17 Flying Fortress on a trip from nearby Duxford to the shops no doubt :wink:
