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South of France Butterflies

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:17 pm
by kevling
I have just returned from a family holiday on the Cote D Azur and thought a brief review of my sightings might be useful to some. have included a couple of photos
1. High Brown Frit (Gorge Du Loup)
2. Common Blue (I think!). Not unusual but pleased with the photo
3. Geranium Bronze (Seen in Monaco)
4. Long Tailed Blue (Seen at the Jardin Exotique in Eze)

I was based in Theole Sur Mer (Bay of Canne). Along the coast we saw good numbers of Two Tailed Pashas. These were also seen up close and personal at Lac St Cassien. I have got some cracking shots of these but they are all over 512KB and not sure if I can adjust these in size to submit.

Other species logged were:

Wood White - Gorge Du Loup
Cleopatra - Gorge Du Loup / Bay of Cannes
Scarce Swallowtail - Bay of Cannes / Esteral Coast
Swallowtail - Gorge Du Loup
Striped Grayling - Theole Sur Mer
False Grayling - Gorge Du Loup
Lessor Purple Emporer - Lac St Cassien
Wall Brown - Theole Sur Mer
Southern White Admiral - Gorge Du Loup

The gorge du loup was the highlight for me. Positively alive with butterflies, especially at the Cascades du saut du loup. It was like an outside butterfly house. The temperature being so hot did mean that most species kept on the move though.

Kind Regards Kev Ling

Re: South of France Butterflies

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:33 am
by Reverdin
Sounds good... if you can re-size your photos to 800 pixels on photoshop or equivalent, then they should download nicely? - would like to see the Pashas... & that is a Common Blue, and I'm still waiting (5y now) for an open wing LTB.. well done!

Re: South of France Butterflies

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:40 pm
by essexbuzzard
This is a nice report,did you say you've just come back? If so,it sounds great for September. With all the dull,cold weather recently, a trip to see the sun and some butterflies to keep the season going is a great idea.

Re: South of France Butterflies

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:43 pm
by David M
Whilst we're all feeling bereft because the butterfly season is almost at its end, the south of France still has another 4 or 5 weeks to go!

Re: South of France Butterflies

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:58 am
by Charles Nicol
Very nice pics kevling

Did you manage to get any of the Lesser Purple Emperor ? I was hoping to see some this year but only managed a "possible" from a distance of 20 metres :cry: :cry:

I use flickr to help with the resizing. It is free for modest use.

8) 8)

Re: South of France Butterflies

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:28 pm
by kevling

Thanks for comments. Yes I do have a photo of the Lesser Purple Emporer but as with a lot of my photos it is to big and needs re-sizing. I know this is probably off topic for this forum, but if you can direct me as to how I re-size on Flickr (have looked but cannot see how or where to do it)I can get some images on the forum for all to see.

Kind Regards
Kev Ling

Re: South of France Butterflies

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:20 pm
by Charles Nicol
kevling wrote:Charles,

Thanks for comments. Yes I do have a photo of the Lesser Purple Emporer but as with a lot of my photos it is to big and needs re-sizing. I know this is probably off topic for this forum, but if you can direct me as to how I re-size on Flickr (have looked but cannot see how or where to do it)I can get some images on the forum for all to see.

Kind Regards
Kev Ling
sorry for the delay in answering Kev.
when you are on your photostream page double click the image you want. then select "actions" from the group of icons just above the photo. from the actions menu select "view all sizes". you want to click "Medium 640".having done that you select "download the medium 640 size of this photo". the download will show up in your Downloads list. From there you can upload it to ukbutterflies.
good luck !!

8) 8)

Re: South of France Butterflies

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:24 pm
by kevling
Finally they are here (Lessor Purple Emporer & Two tailed Pasha). Thanks Charles Nicol for your help and patience.

All seen at Lac Du Cassien near Canne


Re: South of France Butterflies

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:28 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Wow - lovely pictures, Kev!



Re: South of France Butterflies

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:34 pm
by Charles Nicol
Well worth the effort !! Très jolies


8) 8)

Re: South of France Butterflies

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:38 pm
by Reverdin
excellent images... love the female LPE :D