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Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:37 pm
i drove 269 miles down to grafton wood today, never seen a brown hairstreak before.
after couple hours eventually found 5 females around the edges of the 2 fields just before the wood coming from the church carpark, the male was feeding on angelica on the central path running through the wood. no sign of any at southern most end !
also spotted 1 purple hairstreak, brimstone,red admiral, smll tortoieshell,comma,speckled woods,gatekeepers,meadow browns, sml ,lg , g v whites, loads of brown argus,common blue and small copper, and a possible essex skipper.
loads of migrant hawkers ,a few common darters and southern hawkers.

hope to go back next weekend weather permitting! !!
lets hope its a good year for them,a really beautifull butterfly


Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:22 pm
by Neil Freeman
That is a lovely shot Phil.

I have not been able to get out this past week or so due to either work, family or weather not allowing.
Grafton Wood is only about 30 mins drive from me and I am hoping to get over there either next weekend or the one after. I went last year a couple of times and had most success on the last weekend in August. I only had my little point and shoot compact camera then so I am hoping to get some better shots this year.



Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:32 pm
by Michaeljf
Looks like that Brown Hairstreak had probably hatched today. What a beautiful individual! :)

We visited Grafton Wood only yesterday (Saturday) - like Phil, we saw all the species mentioned (even the one Purple Hairstreak) but there was no sign of the Brown Hairstreaks on Saturday - the weather was mostly too dull, which was a real shame :| . I found that the nicest ride for the butterflies was at the Church side, where there is a very small pool for the Dragonflies. There is a lovely patch of Hemp Agrinomy (still fresh) and Common Fleabane right next to the pond. The nicest butterfly we saw was a very fresh Red Admiral. I presume the weather was better there today (Sunday) which helped to bring the Brown Hairstreaks out.

Neil - I hope you enjoy it if you go next week, It's a great reserve but make sure you know how to get there from either the Church or the pub. It's even a better spot if you get some sunshine...


Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:55 pm
by MikeOxon
GOLDENORFE wrote:a really beautifull butterfly
...and a really beautiful photo!


Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:01 pm
by Neil Freeman
Michaeljf wrote:Neil - I hope you enjoy it if you go next week, It's a great reserve but make sure you know how to get there from either the Church or the pub. It's even a better spot if you get some sunshine...

Thanks Michael, I know the way from the Church across the fields. I have never parked at the pub, strange really as I drive past it to get to the church ....oh well :?


Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:58 pm
by Brian Anderson
Where is Gratfon Wood?...i'd like to take a look trying to find these if possible but I have no idea where it is..any advise welcomed

Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:36 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Hi Brian,

It's near the village of Grafton Flyford, in Worcestershire.

There are directions from the church car park on this thread:

viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4520&p=36367&hilit= ... ood#p36367

Best wishes,


Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:38 pm
by Michaeljf
Hi Brian,
Grafton Wood is just outside Grafton Flyford which is between Worcester and Alcester along the A422. Click on the link below. ... 63557&st=5

There are two ways of getting to the wood that I know of: either park in Grafton Flyford church (St John the Baptist of CE church) and walk through the Church Farm via a right-of-way footpath that goes to the West side of the Wood, or alternatively park somewhere near the Flyford Arms and walk in a North-West direction across a couple of fields (again a public right of way path) and get to the wood from the the East side.

If you look on google sattelite image it's easier to get an idea of the walking routes from either side. ... CBkQ8gEwAA

The reserve is easy enough to walk to (distance-wise) from both starting points - probably only about 5 or 10 minutes from each parking spot - but it's not the clearest route in both cases for a first-timer. If you can find anyone that is going to the reserve it may be worth pm'ing them and meeting them, say, at the Church (there is enough parking for a few cars there) so they can show you the route. The first couple of times I went through the Church farm I felt like I was going through someone's private land - there are a couple of metal gates to go through, and sometimes the cows are out! However, don't be too concerned as it is a public-right-of-way. The route from the Flyford Arms (east side) is not as disconcerting - there is a wooden style straight across the road from the pub, and you follow the path stright north across the field, cross a small stream and then head west to the wood (again there are a couple of styles just leading into the main path of the wood). N.B. The west side entrance (Church side) has an 'official' board but only if you enter at exactly the right point...


Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:40 pm
by Michaeljf
Ah...the good 'old days. Lee has been helpful to me ever since my arrival here!! :wink:

Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:41 pm
by Lee Hurrell

Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:49 pm
I found it quite easy to find going through the farm, the paths are well marked and well trodden!
i was quite lucky to get the shots i did on a first visit, cant wait to go back!
hope to go back soon, hopefully there will be alot more emerging over next couple weeks
just finished another shot from sunday



Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:06 pm
by millerd
That's stunning. They are such beautiful insects. And you'd be hard-pushed to better the photo.


Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:01 am
by Michaeljf
I agree with Dave - brilliant photograph. And the post-photo work is perfectly done :) .

Not sure I agree that the route via the farm is clear, though it is fairly well-trodden (and no doubt will be more so after Phil's photo) :wink: . I think once you're through the farm outhouses the path through the field is clear and it's difficult to go into the other crop fields as they're roped off (I have to say I almost went into the cottage on the right when I first visited :oops: ). I've heard from several knowledgeable folks at Grafton Wood that the West edge is where much egg-laying and egg-counting goes on, so it makes sense that the BH's were more visible there (having said that, in dull weather on Saturday I didn't see any) :| .


Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:30 pm
by john starkey
Hi all,i live about 12 mile's from Grafton wood so thank you for letting us know about these gorgeous butterfly's,also just to add something to this post,just incase you didn't know.Pearl bordered fritillary are flying again at grafton after a re-introduction programme by the regional butterfly conservation,


Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:04 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Phil,
Great work! :D Perhaps strangely, I prefer your more distant shot, despite the blackthorn leaf slightly obscuring the body. To me that shot captures perfectly the whole essence of Brown Hairstreak and hairstreak hunting. Like Purple Emperors I think you'll find BH addictive. You just won't be able to see enough of them!

Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:45 pm
thanks neil , i have to agree with you on that shot :)
cant wait to go back in couple weeks time!


Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:03 pm
by Brian Anderson
Thanks for the directions guys, i'll try to get there on my travels

Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:33 am
by Michaeljf
For anyone that is interested - John Tilt - who looks after the reserve (and a very helpful and nice guy) - will be having a guided 'Brown Hairstreak day' at Grafton Wood on Sunday 4th September - 10:00 from the Church if anyone is interested in joining him.

That seems a long while to go but as the Brown Hairstreak season lasts for a long time, if you don't manage to get there before it may be worth 'dropping in'. :)


Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:16 pm
by RobS
269 miles for a BUTTERFLY ? Good work fella !!!
if i thought i was going to get shots like yours of mr hairstreak i'd have done the same. :D


Re: Grafton wood Brown hairstreaks

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:11 pm
Sunday 21st

travelled all the way back to grafton again, after a slow start ended up seeing 8 females and one male [feeding in the wood ]
the main female activity was around the edges of 1st field before the wood coming from church and towards the orchard area. although spotted 2 at the southern end around the bridle way track. watched 2 laying eggs in multiple areas

images to follow
