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Species that need differentiating

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:00 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi all,

I'm thinking of consolidating various materials that describe differences between species (some of which are very subtle). I've tried to draw up a list of candidate "problem species" and would welcome input on your "top 5" priorities, any omissions, and any unecessary items. The list is:

Adonis Blue male v Common Blue male
Adonis Blue female v Chalkhill Blue female
Berger's Clouded Yellow v Pale Clouded Yellow v Clouded Yellow v helice Clouded Yellow
Black Hairstreak v White-letter Hairstreak
Brown Argus v Common Blue female
Dark Green Fritillary v High Brown Fritillary
Essex Skipper v Small Skipper
Glanville Fritillary v Heath Fritillary
Large Skipper v Silver-Spotted Skipper
Northern Brown Argus v Brown Argus
Pearl-Bordered Fritillary v Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
Réal's Wood White v Wood White
Silver-Studded Blue v Common Blue


- Pete

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 1:24 am
by Wayne
NB Argus vs Common Blue female is high on my list.
Also I dont know the difference between the Large White and the Small White besides the size (I thought I knew but after looking more into it I'm just confused :-))

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 3:04 pm
by Pete Eeles
So based on another thread I think we also need to add

Small Blue v Holly Blue

Any others?


- Pete

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:17 pm
by David Tipping
Pete - I looked at the list first time you posted it, but didn't reply because I felt it was almost impossible to pick a 'Top 5'. They all have the potential to confuse - at least, they have the potential to confuse me - so any additional information would be welcome.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:54 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks David. The purpose of the "top 5" was simply so that I could prioritise!

So - ignoring the "top 5", what species need differentiating? Perhaps this is something that will grow over time, and I'll start with my initial list.


- Pete

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:03 pm
by Pete Eeles
Having done a little more research, here's the final list. Expect to see these appear on the species pages over the next month or so.

Small Skipper v Essex Skipper
Large Skipper v Silver-Spotted Skipper
Swallowtail (britannicus) v Swallowtail (gorganus)
Wood White v Real's Wood White
Berger's Clouded Yellow v Pale Clouded Yellow v Clouded Yellow (helice)
Bath White v Orange-tip (female)
Large White v Small White
Small White v Green-veined White
White-letter Hairstreak v Black Hairstreak
Adonis Blue v Common Blue
Adonis Blue (female) v Chalkhill Blue (female)
Brown Argus v Common Blue (female)
Brown Argus v Northern Brown Argus
Northern Brown Argus v Common Blue (female)
Dark Green Fritillary v High Brown Fritillary
Small Tortoiseshell v Large Tortoiseshell
Silver-Studded Blue v Common Blue
Pearl-Bordered Fritillary v Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
Glanville Fritillary v Heath Fritillary
Small Blue v Holly Blue


- Pete

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:22 pm
by Padfield
How about prioritising by the date visitors to the site are likely to see the butterflies? You can leave small skipper/Essex skipper till June, but make sure there is something up about small tortoiseshell/large tortoiseshell by March! I have never accepted that large tortoiseshells are extinct in the UK (I photographed a fresh one in Suffolk in 1985, when they were already supposed to be extinct). Their rarity means it is vital observers know what to look for and record in the field if their records are to be accepted. 2005 and 2006 were successively better bumper years for this species on the continent and I have heard of plenty of UK records too. So for what it's worth, that would be my no. 1 priority.

It would be nice to have the whites up and ready for the early season too.

Happy butterfly season 2007 to all.


Re: Species that need differentiating

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:56 am
by Pete Eeles
WIth winter coming up - I've decided (again!) to address some of the outstanding items. One of which is this thread - identifying similar species. After yet more thinking, I've come up with the following list. Please make additions as you see fit by replying to this thread.

Adonis Blue v Brown Argus
Adonis Blue v Chalkhill Blue
Adonis Blue v Common Blue
Adonis Blue v Northern Brown Argus
American Painted Lady v Painted Lady
Bath White v Orange-tip
Berger's Clouded Yellow v Clouded Yellow
Berger's Clouded Yellow v Pale Clouded Yellow
Black Hairstreak v White-letter Hairstreak
Brown Argus v Chalkhill Blue
Brown Argus v Common Blue
Brown Argus v Northern Brown Argus
Chalkhill Blue v Common Blue
Chalkhill Blue v Northern Brown Argus
Clouded Yellow v Pale Clouded Yellow
Common Blue v Holly Blue
Common Blue v Northern Brown Argus
Common Blue v Silver-studded Blue
Dark Green Fritillary v High Brown Fritillary
Essex Skipper v Large Skipper
Essex Skipper v Lulworth Skipper
Essex Skipper v Small Skipper
Gatekeeper v Meadow Brown
Glanville Fritillary v Heath Fritillary
Green-veined White v Large White
Green-veined White v Orange-tip
Green-veined White v Small White
Holly Blue v Small Blue
Large Heath v Small Heath
Large Skipper v Silver-spotted Skipper
Large Skipper v Small Skipper
Large Tortoiseshell v Small Tortoiseshell
Large White v Small White
Lulworth Skipper v Small Skipper
Mountain Ringlet v Scotch Argus
Pearl-bordered Fritillary v Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
Réal's Wood White v Wood White


- Pete

Re: Species that need differentiating

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:12 am
by Padfield
Given the frequency of sightings, I would add Queen of Spain v. Dark green/High brown, and also Queen of Spain v. Silver-washed. Undersides are easy, but beginners might need pointers for upperside views alone.


Re: Species that need differentiating

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:30 pm
by Pete Eeles
Agreed - thanks Guy :)


- Pete

Re: Species that need differentiating

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:39 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Pete/Guy,
In view of your comments re QoS, this came to my notice only a couple of days ago :twisted: (would have been there in 15 mins had I known). Link . Aside from those mentioned, there was another confirmed (photographed) specimen in the Chichester area in 2007.

Re: Species that need differentiating

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:43 pm
by Pete Eeles
The was a Camberwell Beauty in a garden less than a mile from my house for 4 days in 2006. I only found out after it had gone :(

We really need a hotline for rare sightings, don't we :)


- Pete

Re: Species that need differentiating

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:55 pm
by Tony Moore
A 'hot line' like the birders have would be excellent, especially if it contained GRs and a phone number for up to the minute info. Gawd, it'll be helicopters and lepitwitchers next :lol: :lol:.

Re: the differentiation thread. Earlier in the year I nearly asked for advice on separating female Adonis and CHBs (having spent a couple of hours stalking a supposed AB and finding that it was CHB later - drat) However, having now seen several certain ABs, when there were no CHBs around, the differences seem obvious - intensity and sharpness of colour, jizz and (usually) size. I think that this is a great topic, and await input from others. Is everyone aware of the 730 trick to separate PBF and SPBF?


Re: Species that need differentiating

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:57 pm
by Pete Eeles
Antonym wrote:Is everyone aware of the 730 trick to separate PBF and SPBF?
Nope. And why would it only apply at half past seven in the morning? :)


- Pete

Re: Species that need differentiating

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 8:15 pm
by Padfield
I'm intrigued. Share, Tony....


Re: Species that need differentiating

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:04 pm
by Tony Moore
Re:730 trick.

The upper surface of the left forewing of SPBF has 730 (or sometimes 330 - I suppose it depends on how early it usually gets up :lol: ) along the inside half of the leading edge. It is also apparent on the underside of the right forewing, but, of course, not so necessary if you can see the underside. This never seems to be the case with PBF, which just has squiggles. When you get used to it, it's quite obvious, but you do need a good look. Someone from West Mids group told me about it (apologies to him - I can't remember who :oops: ) and it seems pretty foolproof.


Re: Species that need differentiating

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:44 pm
by Rogerdodge

He's right you know!


learn something every day.........


Re: Species that need differentiating

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:36 am
by Padfield
Great observation!

It seems to hold well for pictures of UK individuals, which is what counts on these pages. It's harder to apply to the two species out here on the continent; so by way of fun, here are six snaps of the relevant region to identify - 3 of each species. I know which they all are because I have the full pictures (and I was there when I took the photos...).



Re: Species that need differentiating

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:26 am
by Pete Eeles
Applying the "730 rule" - that would give PBF, PBF, SPBF, SPBF, SPBF, PBF.

Does it work? :)


- Pete

Re: Species that need differentiating

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:09 am
by Denise
I would say, SPBF, PBF, SPBF, SPBF, PBF, PBF, but it is early and I've only had one coffee! :)
Who's right Guy?
