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The Aurelian's Fireside Companion

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:26 pm
by Willrow
The Aurelian's Fireside Companion

An Entomological Anthology

I've just treated myself to this wonderful book by Michael A Salmon & Peter J Edwards; it's a collection of 200 notes, letters and articles gleaned from British entomological journals from the past 200 years or so.

In the words of the author's - "It's a celebration of the joys and frustrations experienced by collectors of butterflies and moths".

This book is a limited edition of 1000 copies, it's certainly no lightweight tome, either physically or content wise, indeed the author's stress it's text is non scientific and the very title would suggest a book that you can simply dip into time and time again..."ideally in a comfortable armchair by the fireside in winter" writes Peter Marren in his foreword for the book. I've only read a few of the 425 pages as yet, but I instinctively know I'm going to simply love this book, how could I not when it comes from the same pedigree as The Aurelian Legacy (another heartily recommended tome).

The famous names of entomology abound throughout the book; Newman, Stainton, Tutt, Leeds, Frowhawk, Allen, Baron Charles de Worms, Rothschild et al. Clergymen, high-ranking military men, professors of medicine and the ordinary amateur lepidopterist are all included in a pot-pourri of anecdote, gossip, reminiscences and even entomological fraud (never I hear you all cry - but tis' true!). I believe this fascinating book has something to offer even the most seasoned naturalist, just take a look at that superb cover by the artist/illustrator Tim Bernhard, it evokes all the summer of a butterfly meadow even allowing for the free artistic licence the artist has released; swallowtails, marbled white, peacock and fritillary all fly freely on this delightful cover. Include many dozens, no! - many scores of pictures and illustrations throughout and you have the recipe for an award winning book, which it most certainly should be...and most probably is (I'm not sure).

Before I leave you all wondering how you can afford not to get this book...I bought mine from Pemberley Books (via Amazon Marketplace) at the exceedingly good price of £20 plus postage & packing @ £2.80 that's pretty good eh!

I'm giving this a Willrow Star Rating of 6 out of 5 - however numbers never was my strong suit :lol: Buy this excellent book, I simply can't put mine down...and now what page was I on... :wink:

Bill :D

Re: The Aurelian's Fireside Companion

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:21 pm
by P.J.Underwood
Thanks for this info.I have just bought mine,to go with Variations in British Butterflies,recommended by Piers.It sits nicely next to The Anatomy of Domestic Animals by Sissons.

Re: The Aurelian's Fireside Companion

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:12 pm
by Willrow
P.J.Underwood wrote:Thanks for this info
Your more than welcome PJ, and I just hope you enjoy yours as much as I'm enjoying mine.

Bill :D

Re: The Aurelian's Fireside Companion

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:38 am
by Roddick
Thanks very much for providing the value able information here...!!
I have ordered the book and will get the delivery in a couple of days..!!

Re: The Aurelian's Fireside Companion

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:02 am
by Willrow
An investment in pleasure Roddick :) I'm sure you'll enjoy it immensely. Books such as this don't come by very often and do remember it's a limited edition.


Bill :D

Re: The Aurelian's Fireside Companion

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:07 pm
by dilettante
Roddick wrote:Thanks very much for providing the value able information here...!!
I have ordered the book and will get the delivery in a couple of days..!!
Me too! Looking forward to it. I got a "your goods have been dispatched" notice less than 2hrs after ordering, so thumbs up to Pemberley Books.