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Fritillary Video for ID

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:31 am
by Paul Wetton
Hi again Guy

This is the video of the Tatty Fritillary. Not sure if it will help any more. There is another one tagged on the end further away but better condition. ups only. If you need to just hit the pause button as some of the clip is very short.[/video]


Re: Fritillary Video for ID

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:36 pm
by Paul Wetton
Any takers out there.

Re: Fritillary Video for ID

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:50 am
by Paul Wetton
Third time lucky I guess.

Re: Fritillary Video for ID

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:23 pm
by David M

Re: Fritillary Video for ID

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:06 pm
by Paul Wetton
Hi David

Could be, I was hoping it may be a Provencal Fritillary although Heath is possible also.


Re: Fritillary Video for ID

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:27 pm
by David M
Paul Wetton wrote:Hi David

Could be, I was hoping it may be a Provencal Fritillary although Heath is possible also.

Had the same dilemma myself recently in the Cevennes, Paul. I probably DID see Provencal Fritillaries but there were so, so many Heaths flying about that I couldn't pay them enough attention timewise. I found the undersides on Provencal/Knapweed more like those on Glanvilles though, so Heath could be ruled out if the undersides were visible.

Re: Fritillary Video for ID

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:32 pm
by Paul Wetton
Hi David

This was a site where I know Guy has found Provencal Fritillary earlier in the year and as this specimen was older and more worn than most of the Heath Fritillaries we saw I paid it a bit more attention but for me it was too worn for a decent ID so hoping Guy with his experience of this population may be able to shed some light on the situation, even if it is a Knapweed Frit.


Re: Fritillary Video for ID

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:40 am
by Padfield
Sorry to be so long, Paul - I've been extremely busy over the last few days, as you know!

I'm afraid they're both heath, not Provençal. Provençal was still on the wing, it seems, as Gruditch got a lovely photo of one, but that wasn't it.

This is a female Provençal fritillary at the same site, laying on toadflax, in 2007. In this photo you can see the two key features: the black crescents on the underside hindwing (unique to this subspecies, berisalii) and the 'chi' mark on the forewing in s1.



Re: Fritillary Video for ID

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:20 pm
by Paul Wetton
Shame but thats life.

Something to look forward to another year.

Thanks for having a look