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Identity help, please!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:08 pm
by clueless
Apologies in advance from a Newby!

I have found in my garden some caterpillars.
I have no way of sending a pic. The critters are 40 mm long, 4 mm dia, hairless and hornless. They are black, with five 1 mm wide bright
yellow longitudinal stripes. Between the lower 2 stripes on each side, also below the lowest stripe, the black is in the form of small spots
on a grey background. Over the whole length of the body are fine transverse bands of white, 2 to 3 mm apart, which make it look as if the
body has been tied with cotton.
I have spent a long time on the web trying to identify them, with little success. The nearest example I have found is Berger's Clouded Yellow.
I live in North East Kent, on chalky soil, 1Km from the beach and 500 m from open farmland.

I'll be grateful for any help! TIA!

Re: Identity help, please!

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:11 pm
by Millar153

Is this your suspect? It's a Buff-tip moth caterpillar.
Hope this helps :)