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Another open-winged Purple Hairstreak (yawn)

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:23 pm
by Pawpawsaurus
A few members recently have posted excellent images of Purple Hairstreaks showing off their iridescence. Please allow me to offer one of my own.

I spotted this female on the footpath at Broxbourne Wood on 30th June (just in time for last month's photo competition :)) while I was searching for Purple Emperors. A grey triangle floated over my shoulder and at first I thought it was a leaf, but once it had landed its identity was obvious. She wandered around for a while very photogenically with her wings closed, then she stopped, orientated herself, and (much to my surprise) opened up. I had time to take a few shots before a breath of wind prompted her to close her wings and then take off, disappearing into the trees.

I'm not sure whether such sightings are once-in-a-lifetime experiences or not, but this was certainly my first.

Apologies if you've already seen this image (and thanks to those who rated it :)) but for those who don't view the galleries, here it is:



Re: Another open-winged Purple Hairstreak (yawn)

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:58 am
by Vince Massimo
Hi Paul,

I thought that was a great image when I first saw it in the June competition and I personally rated it in third place. Those sorts of opportunities are rare and I think you made the best of it...............Also, I wish I had taken it :mrgreen:


Re: Another open-winged Purple Hairstreak (yawn)

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:43 am
by dilettante
Not yawn-inducing at all! A lucky moment that you managed to take advantage of and capture beautifully.

Re: Another open-winged Purple Hairstreak (yawn)

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:56 pm
by geniculata
HI Paul,

what a stunning image! youv'e been able to capitalize on a brief moment with a wonderful species, capturing exposure, detail and accurate colour rendition to its full for the given chance encounter.
Thats not easy to do.
Its without a doubt one of the best representations of a female purple hairstreak ive come across and would be proud to have achieved it myself, as i guess the other members of this forum would.

Gary :D

Re: Another open-winged Purple Hairstreak (yawn)

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:08 pm
by Paul Wetton
I've never even seen a Purple Hairstreak with the sun bringing out the purple on both wings like that.

Yep I'm quite jealous of your encounter which has resulted in a stunning photo.

Thanks for sharing with us.

Re: Another open-winged Purple Hairstreak (yawn)

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:31 pm
by Zonda
This is a cracking shot Paul, and i've not seen it previously. The only open-winged one i got this season (so far) was right down in the grass, so i'm dead jealous. :mrgreen:

Re: Another open-winged Purple Hairstreak (yawn)

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:05 pm
by Pete Eeles
I agree - very very nice shot!


- Pete

Re: Another open-winged Purple Hairstreak (yawn)

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:46 pm
by Michaeljf
Hi Paul,
it just makes me weep actually :cry: :wink: ...but well done. Considering the circumstances, you were lucky to get a shot at all, especiallly such a brilliant one.
I'm not sure it can be topped for an open-winged PH shot. No yawn would come near this shot at all... :)

Re: Another open-winged Purple Hairstreak (yawn)

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:57 pm
by David M
That's arguably the best Purple Hairstreak shot I've seen and would be worthy of inclusion in any book.

Re: Another open-winged Purple Hairstreak (yawn)

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:00 pm
by Padfield
I have to add my congrats too! That's a super shot of a lovely butterfly.


Re: Another open-winged Purple Hairstreak (yawn)

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:07 pm
by The Annoying Czech
It's probably the best Purple Hairstreak shot I've ever seen and best of June 2011 as well (I didn't vote though). And it's definitely "book-worthy" (or at least Wikipedia upload-worthy).

Fresh imago + photographer's patience -> win.

P.S. I haven't seen this Hairstreak since cca 2000. (Okay, I'm re-observing butterflies since 08/2009)

Re: Another open-winged Purple Hairstreak (yawn)

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:29 pm
by Roger Gibbons
I think you may be confusing a yawn with a gasp of admiration. This is the result of a very rare combination of a beautifully fresh female, a very rare appearance at ground level, and the (equally rare) presence of a photographer who could do it justice. This type of opportunity comes along so rarely that it is gratifying to see such a fabulous photo.

I last saw a Purple Hairstreak at Broxbourne a couple of years ago when a dragonfly took it in mid-air and the wings (all that was left) drifted gently to the ground, spotted by Liz Goodyear.

Re: Another open-winged Purple Hairstreak (yawn)

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:42 pm
by Susie
Cracking! :D

Re: Another open-winged Purple Hairstreak (yawn)

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:39 am
by Pawpawsaurus
Wow. Thank you all for your very kind comments. They're much appreciated.

I'll keep my eyes peeled for a male PH next year. :lol:
