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Purple Emp ......Hairtreak!

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:28 pm
by Philzoid
Went to Straits inclosure in the hope of seeing Purple Emperors. Didn't see any but saw this little beauty instead :o
final resting place
final resting place
More like a PE than a PH, he was spotted on the path and just to convince us he was not dead, he'd occasionally raise his wings together and go for little jaunts of around 2 inches or so. Photographers came and went but still he hardly budged. In the end, fearing he might get trod on we moved him onto an oak leaf then onto some bramble.

This open winged hairstreak made mine and Colin Bakers day, but why was he so docile (for want of a better description)?! Some butterflies are off as soon as you get within 10 metres of them .... but this little fellow seemed contented to just sit there :?
Just to add more info he was found around 11:00 a.m. The temperature was not hot but not cool either, plenty of stuff flying around. When my daughter picked him up (he walked onto her hand) he had a little flutter back down again, but at no point did it look like he was trying to escape.
Later my daughter found a lizard, and this didn't move too. All the lizards I've ever seen before have made off as soon as you get near to them. You could touch this one. 8)

Re: Purple Emp ......Hairtreak!

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:36 am
by Wurzel
Some great shots there! I too went looking for Purple Emperor, didn't find it but did photograph a male Purple Hairstreak (I'll add to my personal diary later) this a case of synchronicity, great minds thinking alike...or fools never differing? :D

Have a goodun


Re: Purple Emp ......Hairtreak!

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:26 pm
by Philzoid
Wurzel wrote:Some great shots there! I too went looking for Purple Emperor, didn't find it but did photograph a male Purple Hairstreak (I'll add to my personal diary later) this a case of synchronicity, great minds thinking alike...or fools never differing?
I haven't heard that one before "fools never differing" so that puts me out of the great minds bracket :)
Isn't it amazing when you go out on a nature trek you just never know what you are going to get (went back to Straits today and didn't get anything ...... well not quite). An Emperor teased the onlookers by flying around us for a while before settling (tantilisingly out of range of my camera) on a metal electric box up a telegraph pole. There he proceded to feed on the paintwork (must be fed up of shrimp paste and fox dung).

Went onto Denbies afterward. What has happened there!? Herbicide to clear the Dogwood scrub :?: :o :shock:

Regarding the butterflies: lots of Small Copper; Marbled Whites; Meadow Brown; Brown Argus and Chalkhill Blues (male)

P.S how did your DGF weekend go?

Re: Purple Emp ......Hairtreak!

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:33 pm
by Wurzel
Brillient cheers for asking! :D :D There were four in the car park before I'd even got out of the car! Then I went and sat on the edge of Borkerley looking down into the grasses and it was great 8) , I even managed to drag myself away from the spectacle to get a few shots (up on the personal dairy section)! I've been to Martin Down the last couple of years but mostly at Sillens Lane end and never here at this time of year - but I'll be here again next year for sure!
Cheers again for the tip off, have a goodun!
