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French ID's part 3

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:45 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Next batch....

I think these are all Heath...
While these I think are Meadow...
High Brown?
male Orisis Blue?
Green Underside Blue?
IMG_1219.jpg (55.9 KiB) Viewed 546 times
Berger's or Pale Clouded Yellow?
This one might be impossible - Real's or Wood White?
And lastly, I reckon this is a Fritillary?
Many thanks,


Re: French ID's part 3

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:03 pm
by Michaeljf

I could be wrong but I think the fifth Fritillary down could be a Knapweed Fritillary. :)


Re: French ID's part 3

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:59 am
by Roger Gibbons
I am somewhere in the Mercantour (Alpes Maritimes) but a quick look:
1360: the one on the right looks Meadow, the one on the left is Heath (exceptionally common and variable, I have been seeing some as small as blues)
1383: looks Dark Green to me
1176: Mazarine
1219: hard to say for sure, but looks Amanda’s to me. If it was noticeably large it was, else maybe Turquoise. A shot of the underside would be definitive
1223: very likely Berger’s, apex looks rather rounded, Pale is quite rare these days it seems (much debate on this) and I only saw Berger’s in that region. We are dealing in probabilities, not certainties with these two species.
1322 is Knapweed
1379 may be female Meadow, hard to say

Re: French ID's part 3

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:04 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Thanks Michael and Roger.

Good to know I saw a Knapweed Fritillary, I wasn't sure! There might be a female to come later.

That one does look quite different now you've both said that...



Re: French ID's part 3

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:26 am
by Lee Hurrell
Hi Roger,

That particular blue wasn't any larger than Common Blue and going by images on yours, Guy's and Matt's sites, Turquoise matches the upperwing colour seen in the field. It also lacked the wider marginal borders seen on Amanda's.

So on balance, I think Turquoise would be most likely, going by size and colour.

Thanks for your help,


Re: French ID's part 3

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:13 pm
by Padfield
Hi Lee,

I haven't been much use for IDs recently, because I've been too busy and just checked in occasionally on iPhone or iPad. But I agree with all that's been said here. I veer towards Amanda's for that one, simply because it looks like that species - it has a certain jizz. The broad border on Amanda's is misleading. On some individuals always, and on all individuals sometimes, the border looks narrow, and when it does, that region looks characteristically pale! I can't say for certain, but yours really looks much more like Amanda's.

The dark green fritillary is certainly that. It's a male, and the sex brands would give it away if it were high brown (two, strong and oval).

I don't see meadow frit in that female, but this is a variable species and it may be that ours here in CH (and the ones I've seen in Spain) are different.


Re: French ID's part 3

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:29 am
by Lee Hurrell
No problem, Guy.

Seeing as both Roger and yourself went for Amanda's first, I will go with that, thanks for the pointers.

