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Twin-spot Fritillary?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:35 am
by traplican
Yesterday I have snapped Lesser Purple Emperor, Large Tortoiseshell, Lesser Marbled Fritillary, etc.

Maybe I have recorded Twin-spot Fritillaries - Brenthis hecate but I am not sure: The photos are badly focused or the specimen was too worn. I have also recorded a video (alhough I would rather soon make good photos when I get such oportunity):[/video]

Re: Twin-spot Fritillary?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:59 pm
by traplican
Oops, my "Twin-spot Fritillary" is Lesser Marbled Fritillary male. No spots of Twin-spot Frit haven't bright centres, proximal veins of the hindwings underside are black (not brown) and also habitat doesn't match to Twin-spot.