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Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:51 am
by Philzoid
The Weekend is fast approaching and the urge to get out for a butterfly foray is nothing short of an addiction. Fixing the shed roof and all those other 'little jobs' can wait another week or two, .... butterfly season is upon us!

If i'm planning to go some distance I need to make it worthwhile (from an expenditure point of view) and try and take in a couple of sites. I'm thinking of going to Stockbridge Down which is listed as a good site to see Dark Green Fritillary, (a species I have only seen on a couple of occasions before), and then moving onto Bentley Wood in the hope of seeing the Purple Emperor. In previous years my normal port of call for PE's has been Alice Holt (Straits Enclosure) due to it being relatively near to where I live (Woking) and its high success rate (and the fact that I delude myself into thinking I might, just might see another Long-tailed Blue :? ). I've never managed to see PE's at Bookham Common despite following up the good reports with visits :( .

So far there are no reports of PE sightings in BW :?: . I know for certain they are at Alice because I watched males sparring around chestnut trees with Matthew Oates last Sunday early afternoon, at the Goose Green site. Earlier in the day I'd been to my beloved Straits but didn't see any PE's (lots of Red Admirals; Commas and SWF on the deck) or bump into Mark T for that matter (although I believe he turned up later and got the same outcome). I suppose in normal years mid – late June wouldn't be peak, but way things have gone this year you cannot be sure(?) Matthew thinks there's more to come.

I like to try and broaden my experience ond knowledge of the various locations. This May I had my first forays into Bentley wood which were rewarded with PBF's; SPBF's. Seeing PE's there would just cement my view on what a fantastic site it is. And after it's all over I can drive into Salisbury, which I find is a welcoming place for drivers (compared to say, Oxford after a day out at Whitecross Green Wood) and am able to get a nice Italian Pizza (it's enough incentive to get my daughter to tag along for this trip).

Any members out there have any views on my plans?

***ody hell! is that the time :shock:

Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:37 am
by Mark Tutton
Hi Phil
I have been to the Alice Holt Inclosures every day this week but have had very few sightings away from the territories. I have had sightings of two on the ground and a few oak edging etc. I have also been to Botany Bay/Oaken wood near Chiddingfold, which is not too far from you, where there have been one or two on the ground and a couple up high.
It has been very hard work - must have spent at least 8hrs a day in the field since last Saturday for very little return.
I had paln to venture further afield to Fermyn but have not seen anywhere where numbers have been re[ported.
Off to BW this morning so I will let you know how I get on - but I am not very hopeful.
Try Rake Bottom at Butser Hill or Old Winchester Hill for DGF these are not too far from you and pretty reliable - had a DGF at Botany Bay yesterday but apparrently this is a very rare event at this site.
Might bump into you over the weekend. :D
Mark T

Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:24 am
by Wurzel
Alright Philzoid?

I was at Bentley Wood on Sunday and the book had recorded PE from earlier in the week. Also I bumped into another group who informed me that they had seen PE (down the Switchback from the car park, turn left at the crossroads and carry on down the path). I too also thought that I saw one in the car park area - it did a low fly-by and "mobbed" a SW Frit so I could see that it was obviously larger and then soared back to the top of an Oak - it could have been a White Admiral - but the size led me to think PE.

So they have been seen - also P Hairstreak, White Admiral, SW Frit, GSW Frit, Small and Large Skipper, H Comma, WL Hairstreak (although I've never checked the hot spot myself - yet) and DG Frit...check my personal diary for more info or you could PM if you want any more detailed directions...hope this helps - good luck with it!

Have a goodun


Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:35 am
by MikeOxon
Make sure you have tick defences in place if you go to Bentley. The bracken is full of them!

I used to go to Bentley often but now tend to head the opposite direction (for me) to Fermyn, which is great for PE.

I remember once watching several Purple Hairstreaks rising up from a tree top near the Bentley Wood carpark to ward off a PE, like fighter aircraft rising towards a large bomber!


Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:44 pm
by Gibster
Purple Emperors are out at Bookham, last week I had three chasing each other around the master trees early afternoon and other folks had at least two on the deck late morning. Dark Green Frits are at Denbies, also supposedly nearby at the Zigzags at Box Hill, although I seem to mostly miss them there. Last ones I saw there were probably 3 years ago. If you need details for Bookham sites feel free to PM me (which worked for Hoggers last week! :D )



Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:31 pm
by Mark Tutton
Hi Phil
just got back from 8hrs at Bentley wood. Familiar story - lots of effort for small returns. Some brief visits by PE in the car park - one on my car when I wasn't there! ut they were very fleeting. Saw perhaps four individuals and one was down on the first dip on the ride for ten mins so got a few shots. There are some DGF's here so you could double up - try the eastern clearing or the path just before the car park entrance for DGF's.
Good luck - you will need some persistance.
Mark T :)

Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:59 pm
by millerd
Gibster wrote: Dark Green Frits are at Denbies, also supposedly nearby at the Zigzags at Box Hill, although I seem to mostly miss them there. Last ones I saw there were probably 3 years ago. Gibster.
Last weekend, there were DGF at Box Hill in the area known as "the Whites" and Burford Spur. However, the Denbies ones seemed to have gone. Maybe it was a fraction too late in the day. Both sites had a lot of Marbled Whites.


Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:26 pm
by Philzoid
Thanks very much for all your advice, will try to reply as best I can:
Tuts wrote:Try Rake Bottom at Butser Hill or Old Winchester Hill for DGF these are not too far from you and pretty reliable - had a DGF at Botany Bay yesterday but apparrently this is a very rare event at this site.
There's two sites I haven't visited, so I will definitely get around to them sometime but probably not this year. I've sort of got it set in my mind now that I'm going to Bentley although I haven't given up on Straits ... theres a few weekends left.

WRT Chiddingfold, I used to go there to one little area back in 2005 - 2007 to see PBF's but they disappeared after 2006. Getting there was always a fair walk from the Botany Bay side I think, rather than Oaken Wood which is where most of the PE sightings have occurred (?) I wouldn't know the exact spot to look (which is the problem I've had with trying to find them at Bookham). Locating them in Straits Enclosure has been easy by comparison.
MikeOxon wrote:Make sure you have tick defences in place if you go to Bentley. The bracken is full of them!
Now that concerns me. Although I've more or less got over the paranoia of my first ever two bites in the space of three weeks, my daughter will be coming with me and if she gets bitten the missus will banish her from coming out with me again ... probably. The propriety insect repellant that she bought me and that I used at WGW didn't work. This time I'm planning a liberal coating of vicks vapour rub (they (biting insects) don't like Eucalyptus I'm told) and soaking my jeans in fly spray
MikeOxon wrote:I remember once watching several Purple Hairstreaks rising up from a tree top near the Bentley Wood carpark to ward off a PE, like fighter aircraft rising towards a large bomber!

Excellent description :) The small ones are always the most pugnacious (e.g. small coppers and Green Hairstreaks)
Wurzel wrote:So they have been seen - also P Hairstreak, White Admiral, SW Frit, GSW Frit, Small and Large Skipper, H Comma, WL Hairstreak (although I've never checked the hot spot myself - yet) and DG Frit...check my personal diary for more info or you could PM if you want any more detailed directions...hope this helps - good luck with it!
GSW = form valezina ? ...Ive never seen one before so another reason to go to Bentley!

Gibster wrote:Dark Green Frits are at Denbies, also supposedly nearby at the Zigzags at Box Hill, although I seem to mostly miss them there. Last ones I saw there were probably 3 years ago.
Zig Zags Box Hill has been my only definite sighting. Got some video of them on Knapweed and a couple of blurred photo's taken 27/07/2008 ... three years ago! Used to go to that site to see Small Blue but didn't come across any on my visit earlier this year.

Tuts wrote:Some brief visits by PE in the car park - one on my car when I wasn't there!
typical :x
Tuts wrote:There are some DGF's here so you could double up - try the eastern clearing or the path just before the car park entrance for DGF's.
Sounds a good idea 8) The eastern Clearing is the Hants side approached from West Tytherley? Car park around 300 yards in?

P.S my preview is showing quotes within a quote. When am I ever going to get a error free posting :?: :roll:

Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:59 pm
by P.J.Underwood
Just a thought,after seeing this P.E. at Botany Bay this morning.They obviously like a diet of dog faeces.But these can vary depending on the food the dog is on.The more fat in the food the more palatable they usually are.Has anyone done a study on which dog food produces the most palatable poo's for purple emperors?

Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:31 pm
by Piers
P.J.Underwood wrote:...a diet of dog faeces...the more fat in the food the more palatable they usually are.
:shock: I shall have to take your word on that PJU.

Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:52 pm
by Philzoid
A one for Chris Packham perhaps?

Out of interest did anyone see the posting on the Purple Empire re change/increase of Purple colour intensity not related/dependent to angle of the light source?

Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:53 pm
by dilettante
Anyone going to Fermyn tomorrow? I'm hoping to get up there earlyish, with my 10 yr old son. It would be good to meet any other ukbutterfliers if you're there.

Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:59 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Philzoid wrote:A one for Chris Packham perhaps?
Chris does love his poo....

Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 3:54 pm
by Piers
Is that because they have a very high fat content?

Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:57 pm
by P.J.Underwood
For the sake of clarification,I meant the palatability to refer to other animals eating them-such as other dogs-not myself!

Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:31 pm
by Susie
Are you sure it is fat content and not protein content? I have heard that purple emperors will prefer a nice stinky fox poo over a dog poo.

Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:53 pm
by Philzoid
Made my trip out as planned and in retrospect should've listened to all your advice (as the day might've been better)
Firstly I called into Stockbridge Down. It was only arounf 09:00 but it was already starting to get hot. DGF's were thin on the ground and those I did see were not settling. Small Torts were more numerous.
Next called into Danehill (site of a fort) and searched on the right hand side just oof the carpark (thanks Gruditch's) Very scenic with the clear blue sky; golden barley and lots of colourful flowers thistles poppies etc .. but again no settling of the butterflies (too hot). By the time I got to Bentley I was thinking "I've got here too late" and so it turned out to be. There were loads of people (I had to park along the bumpy road) in contrast to Straits Yesterday and that was fatal as I spent a lot of my time talking trying to find out the best spots rather than getting down to searching. Everyone I met had a different tale on where to go. In the end I pinned my hopes on seeing WLH and G SWF but saw neither. I did get ot see an emperor up one of the Wych Elm trees through a telescope where people were staking out WLH's but that was my lot. A lot of walking for not much return. I hope I've learned something from this?
I got a tip-off to see DGF's at Martin Down. I had only been once there before and bareley scratched the surface in terms of what I saw of it, but remembered it as an impressive site. This time instead of going to Sillens lane i used the car park off the main road and followed the dyke along the firing range. Once into an open area me and my daughter were able to sit down among the Knapweed flowers, listen to the country sounds of skylarks; Yellowhammers and Linnets (takes me back to my childhood) and watch the fritillaries and Marbled whites flitting from flower to flower. At around 4:00 p.m they were more approachable and I got some reasonable shots.
On the way back I saw some Forester moths and a humming-bird Hawkmoth in the car park as well as a fat Mullein moth caterpillar on Verbascum. Enjoyed that part of the day.
After a meal out in Salisbury (where I discovered I'd picked up two ticks .. you were right MikeOxon) I got home around 09:00, then after seeing the kids to bed was off out again for a moth night on Pewley Down. Didn't get in till 2:00 a.m and up for work at 7:00. Phew what a weekend!
Small Tortoiseshell; Stockbridge Down
Small Tortoiseshell; Stockbridge Down
Dark Green Fritillary male; Martin Down
Dark Green Fritillary male; Martin Down
Dark Green Fritillary male; Martin Down
Dark Green Fritillary male; Martin Down
Dark Green Fritillary female; Martin Down
Dark Green Fritillary female; Martin Down
Marbled White male; Martin Down
Marbled White male; Martin Down
Essex Skipper?
Essex Skipper?

Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:34 am
by Michaeljf
I've not read all the comments, but I used to go to Bentley Wood each year and as has been mentioned I got fewer and fewer returns for sometimes no sightings or pictures. Also, I often found that the weather at Bentley was often cloudy which was never a good thing.

Last year I visited Fermyn Wood for the first time and would always go there for Purple Emperors now. Plus they've even got a cafe and toilets nearby! I've heard Bernwood Forest is better for PE's than in previous years, but it's main advantage to me would be the other species there (Hairstreaks in particular) and it's 2 hours drive as opposed to 3 hours!

Unfortunately we are all victims of the weather :? . Last weekend (Saturday) would have been a great day to visit Fermyn but we were travelling back into the country and were too travel-fatigued for a distance visit on the Sunday.

Happy hunting... (or rather viewing) :wink:


Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:26 am
by MikeOxon
Philzoid wrote:Made my trip out as planned
Sorry to hear about the ticks - I trust your daughter was unscathed and further trips will be permitted!!!

Re: Purple Emperors: where to go?

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:53 pm
by Philzoid
MikeOxon wrote:Sorry to hear about the ticks - I trust your daughter was unscathed and further trips will be permitted!!!
Thankfully she escaped the ticks. She attracted the flies (Martin Down) and wasps instead :lol: