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Three Czech IDs

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:25 am
by The Annoying Czech
1. Some Zygaena sharing the biotope with Parnassius Apollo, where's very abundant. Yesterday's photo.
After a very small and boring research, I already have fantastic four (candidates) :)
Zygaena angelicae
Zygaena lonicerae
Zygaena trifolii (a highly improbable biotope for this specie, I think)
Zygaena viciae

2. Some Blue. Same date, same biotope, bordering the edge footpath. Not abundant.
I do hope it's not another Large Blue variation. But I don't count on it too much.
(I've seen there a bloody elusive Cupido Minimus as well.)

3. A moth. Fairly big one. Edge of a big forest, 2011-06-13.
I myself have absolutely no clue.

Thank you very much. I hate my butterflies unidentified.

Re: Three Czech IDs

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:49 am
by JKT
The size will tell between Z. viciae and Z. lonicerae. The latter is much larger. The other two are foreign to me.

The genus for the moth is either Alcis or Peribatodes ... or something very close to them. This should get you started. I'm quessing dark Alcis repandatus.

Re: Three Czech IDs

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:06 pm
by Padfield
I would say the blue is almost certainly Polyommatus icarus. Everything is right for this species and there is nothing to suggest any other species. The cell spot is just visible, which rules out a lot, the fringe rules out Lysandra sp., so there is very little left. The bright shoulder, two-tone fringe and general appearance all say icarus to me.

If JKT is reading this - I have a lot to say about your Melitaea/Mellicta, but have just been too tired recently, with excessive butterflying and not enough sleep, to say it all! I'll do it when I've caught up a bit on things today!


Re: Three Czech IDs

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:50 pm
by JKT
padfield wrote:If JKT is reading this - I have a lot to say about your Melitaea/Mellicta, but have just been too tired recently, with excessive butterflying and not enough sleep, to say it all! I'll do it when I've caught up a bit on things today!
No problem. I'll be patient. :D
Anyway, in a couple of days I'll head north for a week or two and that takes me off the net. The weather forecast isn't very good, though.

Re: Three Czech IDs

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:44 am
by The Annoying Czech
I thank you both :)

Also, I have three more moths to identify. It would be all for now, I promise :P


I'm sure they're all extremely rare! :D

Re: Three Czech IDs

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:06 am
by JKT
The first gets the exact same comments as the third in the first batch. The second is Ipimorpha subtusa and the third is POSSIBLY Campaea margaritata. Personally, I'd love the find the last one, but its a southern species...