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web page expired

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:37 pm
by Philzoid
Does anyone know how to prevent the web page expiring. I've lost an hours work, ***dy frustrating!!

Re: web page expired

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 6:19 am
by Pete Eeles
Hi Philzoid,

I'm not sure what you mean. What happened?

In general, if I'm going to write something lengthy, I'll do it in a separate text editor first. There is also a "save draft" option in the forums also. You can then recover the saved draft in the User Control Panel.


- Pete

Re: web page expired

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:51 am
by Paul Wetton
Hi Philzoid
I've found the page has expired if I preview with a photo on the page.
If the page expires after a time period I'd go with Pete and just type up in word then do a copy and paste to prevent losing anything.

Re: web page expired

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:28 pm
by Philzoid
Paul Wetton wrote:Hi Philzoid
I've found the page has expired if I preview with a photo on the page.
Thanks Paul. That is exactly what happened.
Pete Eeles wrote:Hi Philzoid,

In general, if I'm going to write something lengthy, I'll do it in a separate text editor first.
Point taken. I don't always set out to write something lengthy, it invariably turns out that way, trying to cover all the questions and answers and show that I've thought it through. To summarise my lost posting (minus pics):- Got to see Black Hairstreak on Sunday at Whitecross Green Wood: a first). Also got my second ever tick bite three weeks on from my first at wrecclesham. Are ticks more prevalent this year or have i just been lucky? (bearing in mind that most of the coutryside bods I've spoken to have been bitten many times).

Re: web page expired

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:13 pm
by Paul Wetton
I think you've been lucky with the tics.
I've come home with as many as 17 all hanging on to me getting their fair share of my blood. These were scottish tics mind you from Glasdrum wood last year. I guess they're pretty hard living up there.

Re: web page expired

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:29 pm
by Michaeljf
Philzoid wrote:Got to see Black Hairstreak on Sunday at Whitecross Green Wood: a first).
Hi Philzoid,
was that the Sunday just gone? If so, count yourself doubly lucky. I was up at Bernwood Meadows / Bernwood Forest on Sunday and the weather was bleak after 10am and I didn't go to WGW because it just looked like nothing would be out in the grey weather. :|

p.s. On the question of posting, I do write up any long pieces on a windows document first and then copy and paste. I've had too many times when somethings gone wrong in the meantime (often when the computer wanted to stop a supposed virus!) :roll:

Re: web page expired

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:51 am
by Philzoid
I replied to your posting and guess what? the same thing happened again (web page expired) after accidently opening one of the pictures I was uploading (you all must think I'm hopeless?!) I had saved a draft (after one of the uploads was taking a long time (<512kB I know)) but I don't know where to find the draft? (seems pointless recovering and sending it now).

I may be lucky with the butterflies and tick bites but I'm not with computers.

My PC is in a room with other PC's in a small room with the missus and kids in and out all the time ... it's difficult

Re: web page expired

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:38 pm
by Pete Eeles
Philzoid wrote:I replied to your posting and guess what? the same thing happened again (web page expired) after accidently opening one of the pictures I was uploading
I'll add this to my list of things to look into.
Philzoid wrote:I had saved a draft (after one of the uploads was taking a long time (<512kB I know)) but I don't know where to find the draft?
User Control Panel -> Manage Drafts


- Pete

Re: web page expired

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:59 am
by Philzoid
Pete Eeles wrote:User Control Panel -> Manage Drafts
Thanks again Pete. Unfortunately the saved draft must have been a figurement of my imagination because there is nothing there (perhaps I hit the wrong button when posed with the question (something along the lines of) "do you want to continue, only text will be saved" Yes or No ?

WRT the original problem, I've unchecked a box in my Internet Explorer / tools / internet options/ advanced / security / do not save encrypted pages to disk (which is a Windows 'help' suggestion if the "problem persists". I'll see how it goes from here.

Off to Alice Holt to see PE's hopefully.

PS Love your article on variation (all that genetics takes me back to my school biology A level days)

Re: web page expired

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:16 pm
by Philzoid
I'll try again to get this posted
Michaeljf wrote:Hi Philzoid,
was that the Sunday just gone? If so, count yourself doubly lucky. I was up at Bernwood Meadows / Bernwood Forest on Sunday and the weather was bleak after 10am and I didn't go to WGW because it just looked like nothing would be out in the grey weather.
Yes, Sunday the 19th. The weather was largely overcast but the rain held off and there were occasional sunny breaks.
Quite a few spotters were out looking for black hairstreaks and one managed to find a faded but otherwise intact individual nectaring on bramble. Soon after my daughter spotted another more brightly coloured one with slight wing damage, again nectaring on the bramble (so no binoculars; stepladders; periscopes needed :D ) Lots of Fresh Marbled Whites; Meadow Browns; Large Skipper and Ringlet made for a great day out.
First Hairstreak 01
First Hairstreak 01
First Hairstreak 02
First Hairstreak 02
Second Hairstreak 01
Second Hairstreak 01
Second Hairstreak 02
Second Hairstreak 02
Large Skipper
Large Skipper
Meadow Brown male
Meadow Brown male
Marbled White
Marbled White
Marbled White female
Marbled White female
Marbled White male
Marbled White male
Common Blue female
Common Blue female