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Large Copper female ovipositing in my garden

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:25 pm
by traplican
Today I have taken a female of Large Copper - Lycaena dispar.

One was ovipositing, I have found two eggs on the Bloody Dog leaves:
Lycaena dispar fresh egg
Lycaena dispar fresh egg
The same egg after a number of hours
The same egg after a number of hours
Another egg
Another egg
11616 074.jpg (63.45 KiB) Viewed 267 times
P.S.: Can anybody help me to identify this moth?

Edit: This moth is most probably Brown Oak Tortrix - Archips xylosteana :(

Edit 19th June 18:56: I just have found another 5 eggs, so totally 7 eggs of Lycaena dispar found in my garden.
Edit 20th June: Another 2 eggs found, totally 9 eggs. I have found also 10th egg but one was detached and fell into the grass. :(

I have marked the leaves with ova by the thread and the plats by the fillet, resp. fillet on the skewer: