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Late August recommendations.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:00 am
by hanford
Hello all,
I wonder if anyone can make a destination ( European ) recommendation for late August early September please . A bit late maybe but the only time I can get off. Thanks very much.

Re: Late August recommendations.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:40 pm
by Michaeljf
How about Gibraltar - warm enough for plenty of species, possibly the Two-Tailed Pasha, Monarch, Cleopatra, Queen of Spain Fritillary, last brood of the Swallowtails etc. You will definitely see species in the botanical / tropical garden there (migrating and wild - not tame butterflies). You could go to the mainland (coastal or nature reserve) Spain and see butterflies too. Or if you don't want to rent a car, just stay near enough to walk to the Gardens or walk up to the Gibraltar rock.

I'm sure others will have plenty of suggestions! :mrgreen:

Michael (p.s. Go to the oveseas threads and there's a thread of mine on Gibraltar / Southern Spain late summer).

Re: Late August recommendations.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:21 pm
by David M
Somewhere not at altitude (butterfly species tend only to have one adult generation in these areas).

Late August/early September is hot anywhere around the Med and its northern environs. How about Bulgaria or Hungary? These countries have a plethora of species.

Re: Late August recommendations.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:39 pm
I've always had stacks of butterflies at high altitude in the/Austrian Swiss Alps end of August. Some species are getting a bit past their best but still plenty of fresh ones. The higher you go the fresher they are this time of year. I have been to Saas Fee and Zermatt a few times this time of year. Even first couple of weeks in September has been OK. Obergurgle in Switzerland was another very high altitude location I visited early september.