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June 2011 Competition

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:22 pm
by Gruditch
To enter the competition, please post a single image, taken within the month of June 2011 (1 post per member) as follows:

- Click on the "Gallery" link and then open the "June 2011" album
- Click the "NEWIMAGE" button
- Follow the instructions to upload a single image

To view the entries:

- Click on the "Gallery" link and then open the "June 2011" album

You'll be able to edit or delete your entry until 5th July. To do this:

- Select the "Moderate" link at the bottom of the image details
- Take the appropriate action

You will be unable to rate or comment on the image until the competition has been voted on. Comments and constructive critique are very welcome thereafter.

Look forward to seeing the entries roll in , good luck !

Regards Gruditch

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:17 pm
Something I never noticed before...

In the comments screen, which is also the screen where you vote, the images aren't displayed at the full 800 pixel size, but are in fact reduced in size slightly to maximum 768 pixels high it looks like, and reducing the quality slightly as a result.

I might be being REALLY picky now, but can anything be done about that? I just uploaded an image and thought it didn't look as good as when I was viewing it in photoshop, and that's when I spotted the difference.

Maybe nobody else notices a difference, but it really bugs me now that my image doesn't look as good as at full size and I'm tempted to upload a smaller one so it retains it's size and quality! :lol:

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:33 pm
by Pete Eeles
FISHiEE wrote:Something I never noticed before...

In the comments screen, which is also the screen where you vote, the images aren't displayed at the full 800 pixel size, but are in fact reduced in size slightly to maximum 768 pixels high it looks like, and reducing the quality slightly as a result.

I might be being REALLY picky now, but can anything be done about that? I just uploaded an image and thought it didn't look as good as when I was viewing it in photoshop, and that's when I spotted the difference.

Maybe nobody else notices a difference, but it really bugs me now that my image doesn't look as good as at full size and I'm tempted to upload a smaller one so it retains it's size and quality! :lol:
Well spotted - that was a bit cr*p wasn't it?! Should all be fixed now - I've change the preview size and cleared the cache. Let me know if you still see issues.


- Pete

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:37 pm
by dilettante
Not having entered these competitions before, I have a question: I gather the pictures are supposed to be submitted anonymously, so does that mean you can't submit pictures you've already posted in other topic threads?

Also I'm sure this has been discussed before, but having anonymous submissions means you can't put watermarks on the images, which makes them ripe for harvesting. When I look at the galleries, there's nothing about copyright anywhere. Could there at least a catch-all somewhere in the gallery saying images are copyright of the submitter?

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:59 pm
by Pete Eeles
dilettante wrote:Not having entered these competitions before, I have a question: I gather the pictures are supposed to be submitted anonymously, so does that mean you can't submit pictures you've already posted in other topic threads?
dilettante wrote:but having anonymous submissions means you can't put watermarks on the images
Depends what the watermark is!
dilettante wrote:When I look at the galleries, there's nothing about copyright anywhere. Could there at least a catch-all somewhere in the gallery saying images are copyright of the submitter?
Actually - I think this applies to the forums as a whole since photos aren't confined to the galleries. Anyone know what we need to do (from a legal perspective)?


- Pete

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:12 pm
by dilettante
Pete Eeles wrote:
dilettante wrote:When I look at the galleries, there's nothing about copyright anywhere. Could there at least a catch-all somewhere in the gallery saying images are copyright of the submitter?
Actually - I think this applies to the forums as a whole since photos aren't confined to the galleries. Anyone know what we need to do (from a legal perspective)?
As I understand it, you don't *need* to do anything, as copyright is automatic. But a copyright notice gives infringers no excuse for copying images, and a watermark on the image itself makes it doubly hard for people to help themselves to images without consent.

If people are posting images by hotlinking to their own sites, then they can easily add watermarks as they see fit. But if images are submitted to the galleries on this site as stock contributions or competition entries, they presumably need to be unadulterated, in which case some other way of acknowledging the contributor's copyright should be considered. And it should be made clear to the contributor and potential users of the images what rights the contributor is granting by uploading the images.

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:41 pm
Pete Eeles wrote: Well spotted - that was a bit cr*p wasn't it?! Should all be fixed now - I've change the preview size and cleared the cache. Let me know if you still see issues.


- Pete
Much better! :D

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:24 am
by Julian
Technical issues...
Why when I click on a picture and click off, does the image to the right of it also get an extra view added to its tally? It doesn't happen if you click on the return to album link, or it seems, on the back arrow, but any other situation it appears that you ahve looked at another image...

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:44 am
by Pete Eeles
Julian wrote:Technical issues...
Why when I click on a picture and click off, does the image to the right of it also get an extra view added to its tally? It doesn't happen if you click on the return to album link, or it seems, on the back arrow, but any other situation it appears that you ahve looked at another image...
I'm pretty sure that the mechanism automatically pre-loads the next high-res image on the page to improve performance. I suspect this is the reason for any tally being increased which, to be honest, I don't see as a huge issue but will add it to the list of jobs!


- Pete

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:59 am
by Julian
Blimey that was quick Pete! No not a huge interest, but I was curious.

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:03 am
by Gruditch

You have on till the 10.59pm on the 20th July to vote.

To vote, click on Comments: No comments yet under an image, then at the bottom of the page you will see Your rating: rate the image then submit.

In the interests of fair play, please try to vote. :D

Regards Gruditch

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:44 pm
by Gruditch
Congratulations to Fishiee 1st, Andy Brown 2nd, ( must of had a great teacher ), :D and PhiliB 3rd, and well done to all that entered.

Rgards Gruditch

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:17 pm
by andy brown
Thanks for that Gary, however it has been great teachers really, via both the last 2 years photographic workshops, yours and Lisa’s help post event last year and this picture was also with the help of Fishiee (John) in the software editing side after a great days master class.

So thanks to all

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:13 pm
by Paul Wetton
There are strings of code that can be added to pages in HTML that prevent the right click option and stop people copying pictures. This only works to a certain extent. Anyone with decent knowledge of HTML can get around it. Not sure if the same applies for PHP on a website.

I guess a statement saying something as follows should help prevent photos being used without the owners permission.

Copyright of contributed images remains with the individual photographers and pictures may not be reproduced or downloaded without the written permission of the contributor.

This by the way is the statement on the Birguides website for their photo gallery of uploads.

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:19 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Paul. And where do you think we should place this text?


- Pete

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:32 pm
by Paul Wetton
Hi Pete

I guess if you want to put something on the site, then it would have to go on the home page to cover all images on the site. I however doubt that much stealing of images will occur due to the limited resolution and size of images used on the site.

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:24 pm
by Goldie M
Congrats to all the first three, talk about people stealing images :!: no fear of that with the ratings I get :lol:
Press on regardless is the saying, I will :D Goldie M

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:09 pm
by Susie
Congratulaions to the winners! :-)

Seems some people don't get the one entry only rule though :?

Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:55 pm
by Pawpawsaurus
Susie wrote:Seems some people don't get the one entry only rule though :?
I noticed that, too. Maybe that particular rule should be made a bit more prominent?


Re: June 2011 Competition

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:11 pm
by Goldie M
:idea: Can I have some of the points from the second entry that shouldn't be there Please :lol: Goldie M