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Lifts Offered / Requested

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:37 pm
by Pete Eeles
Please post in this thread if you are offering a lift, or require a lift.


- Pete

Re: Lifts Offered / Requested

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:22 pm
by Gibster
Hi all,

I'm off in search of Lulworth Skippers on Portland, Dorset this coming Saturday, the 23rd July. So far there are definitely 3 UKB members going, probably 4. Plus maybe a non-member which means we need another car or leg-space may be an issue!

I'm Surrey based and will be heading from Epsom to the M25, M3, M27, A31, A35 and A354. That route usually takes about two and a half hours each way - but the weather is meant to be pretty decent and Portland is fantastic for a whole range of butterflies and other natural history.

Post here if you would like to come along so that folks can see where cars are starting from. Logistics still need to be...erm... fine-tuned :D so it would be very handy to see where folks are starting from/meeting at. I'm planning an early start from my end, quite how early depends on other members, but I'm hoping to be on site no later than mid-morning.

Apologies it's all a bit last minute, but the best things often are!



Re: Lifts Offered / Requested

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:59 pm
by Susie
I am really looking forward to this. The weather forecast is looking good too. :D

Re: Lifts Offered / Requested

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:56 pm
by Philzoid
Yes ...the weather has smiled on us at last :D

Re: Lifts Offered / Requested

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:10 pm
by ChrisC
was good to meet up with the 4 of you. hope you got lulworth in the end.


Re: Lifts Offered / Requested

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:43 pm
by Gibster
Nope, just a few Smalls...but we had a great time anyway! Various highlights (other than meeting your good self, of course :D ) included c12 Slow Worms under rocks, Wall Lizards, plenty of Red Admirals in off the sea, 2 Bedstraw Hawk Moths at the bird observatory (admittedly in a plastic container...) and the stunning sight of 4 juvenile Peregrines practicing aerial stoops and grabs on a very unfortunate pigeon low over the waves. They repeatedly caught and released the poor b*gger before it disappeared out of sight beneath the cliffs, never to be seen again.

Really pleased to meet up with Philzoid who's a perfectly charming fella (and doesn't even snore when he falls asleep on the back seat :wink: ) and great to meet up with Susie who, despite not wearing her trademark evening gown and jewellery, still managed to create "quite a stir" with the chaps gathered round the bird observatory's moth trap :lol: Everyone had a great day, Sam and I love it down there anyway and the Peregrines were the icing on the cake.


Re: Lifts Offered / Requested

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:35 pm
by Susie
A belated thank you from me to Gibster and Sami for hosting such a cracking day. :D I had a lovely time and really enjoyed meeting Phil, Sami and Seth for the first time. The weather was good, the company exccellent, and there were butterflies about including a large number of red admirals flying in over the sea. The highlight had to be the peregrines though. I won't forget the sound that first one made either.

I was very taken by the bird observatory and their moth trap, actually. I'd like to go back there are spend more time. The book shop is fabulous! :D

I'll try and post some pics tomorrow in my diary, if the kids let me on to the computer. :wink:

Re: Lifts Offered / Requested

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:02 am
by legless2007

is anyone driving from Cheltenham to the Gloucestershire Branch AGM next Saturday (12th)? If so can I cadge a lift please?


Re: Lifts Offered / Requested

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:28 pm
by David M
Do you mean the AGM hosted by Gloucester branch? If so then this takes place on Saturday 19th November.

Re: Lifts Offered / Requested

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:46 pm
by legless2007
David M wrote:Do you mean the AGM hosted by Gloucester branch? If so then this takes place on Saturday 19th November.
No I can walk to that one! The Gloucestershire branch AGM is on the 12th


Re: Lifts Offered / Requested

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:27 pm
by BOO
Lift needed please! It's a long shot but here goes. Due to recovery of having sprained wrists I can't drive so just incase I still can't drive in May if anyone on here passes the Goole area on their way up to the North Yorkshire Moors a lift would be much appreciated! I normally head for the areas around Pickering and helmsley for the Dukes and Pearls etc!! If any of you can help in May that would be great, thanks Boo