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Lift offered/wanted

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:58 am
by Gibster
Hi all,

Just a thought for Pete, Guy and Gary:

It seems that there are often requests for lifts to and from various counties in search of selected species. For example, "Anybody going from Surrey to the Swallowtails this weekend. Lift wanted" and there were a few similar requests reagrds the Wrecclesham Glanvilles. Plus there have been numerous mumblings about members organising get-togethers. I know The Calendar has been set up for this, but it still seems pretty darn sparse at present.

Could there be an additional category on the Forums dedicated just to Lifts Offered/Wanted? Maybe The Forums are visited more frequently than The Calendar? I realise the General Forum and Field Outings Forums already exist, but personally I feel a specific forum may be useful.

As an offshoot of this, we could see a nice little network forming of UKB Members meeting other UKB Members who are local to them, sharing fuel costs and expertise alike.



PS - Anybody in the Surrey/South London area wanting/offering lifts, please feel free to PM me! We plan Scotland, Dorset, Cambs, West Country jaunts this season (amongst others) and maybe an overnighter in Ireland too.

Re: Lift offered/wanted

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:39 pm
by Pete Eeles
Following the precedent for sale/exchange of photographic equipment, I've added a "Sticky" post (i.e. it always stays at the top) of the Field Trips forum. I don't think this warrants a forum of its own.

See viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5256


- Pete

Re: Lift offered/wanted

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:10 pm
by Gibster
Coolio 8)