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Hello from Glasgow

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:22 am
by ScottD
Hi folks, :D
Long time lurker & felt that it was about time that I joined if only so that I could moan about our weather & lack of species to balance the books of all you lucky southerners ...
I'm an active member of the local BC branch (& less active member of several other wildlife conservation organisations) my interests mainly lie in simply enjoying seeing & photographing wildlife but I'm gradually being corrupted into submitting records.

Re: Hello from Glasgow

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:12 am
by Michaeljf
Hi Scott,
good morning and welcome, and yep - you've got it worse up there with the weather! But to make up for that you have some great species and some fantastic scenery! Look forward to more of your posts! Best wishes :mrgreen: ,

Re: Hello from Glasgow

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:33 pm
by David M
You may have fewer species but you DO have Chequered Skippers (uniquely) as well as far greater numbers of Large Heath, Mountain Ringlet, Scotch Argus and Pearl Bordered Fritillary.

Oh, you have the lovely artaxerxes form of Northern Brown Argus too!