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Bizarre Small Pearl Bordered Frit

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 3:43 pm
by David M
I found this fellow today at Old Castle Down, with a deformity I've never seen in any butterfly.

The right forewing is severely under-developed, yet happily it didn't seem to handicap the individual in terms of ability to fly, though it fluttered rather more like a Skipper than a Fritillary.


Re: Bizarre Small Pearl Bordered Frit

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 1:37 pm
by Willrow
Apologies for the absolutely awful quality photo David, it was taken from a difficult angle. This Purple Hairstreak still managed to fly/flap about it's bracken covered patch in Bentley Woods, last July, even with a completely deformed (or under-developed) right upper wing - very much like your S P-b F. It's simply amazing what problems living things can and will overcome to hold onto life, is'nt it?

Bill :D

Re: Bizarre Small Pearl Bordered Frit

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 2:36 pm
by David M
Is that a intrinsic deformity or the result of some kind of attack?

Re: Bizarre Small Pearl Bordered Frit

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 3:08 pm
by Philzoid
Is that a intrinsic deformity or the result of some kind of attack?
David M

I would say it is as a the result of problems occuring during emergence. I have reared many moths (mainly hawks and silks) and if they do not get ideal conditions either to shed off their pupal case or a suitable un-obstructed site to expand their wings this sort of deformity can happen. It's good to see that despite this many survive and are able to function normally (note Pete's report on the Adonis blue aberrants, perhaps some parallels there?)