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Marsh Fritillaries at Rhos Pilbach?

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 8:32 am
by dilettante
I'm going to be in South Wales next week, quite near Rhos Pilbach, which is listed on this site a good place to see Marsh Fritillaries.

Does anyone here have any advice for me? Am I likely to see them if I go next week? If the weather's not good and I'm looking for roosting butterflies, is there a particular place I should look?

Re: Marsh Fritillaries at Rhos Pilbach?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 8:31 pm
by dilettante
No replies on this? Does anyone here know the site, or have opinions on whether Marsh Fritillaries will still be around next week?

Re: Marsh Fritillaries at Rhos Pilbach?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 8:48 pm
by David M
I don't know the site as I live quite a distance away. However, I'm sure your timing is absolutely spot on to see Marsh Fritillaries and they ARE recorded as being present at this location.

Try this: ... arfawr.pdf

Re: Marsh Fritillaries at Rhos Pilbach?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 8:57 pm
by dilettante
That's great. Thanks!

Re: Marsh Fritillaries at Rhos Pilbach?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 9:12 pm
by David M
No problem. Good luck!

PS: There are Large Heath sites not too far away but I suspect you may be a little early for this species.

Re: Marsh Fritillaries at Rhos Pilbach?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:22 am
by dilettante
I visited this site yesterday afternoon and think I saw them. Several brown butterflies on the wing, but no close views to confirm identification. The marshy tussocky terrain made it hard to chase after them, not to mention fear of treading on the many orchids. The butterflies I saw were strong, fast fliers. Does that fit MFs? I was expecting something more delicate-looking, like the Heath Fritillaries I saw last week.

I'll probably take another trip to this site later in the week. I only had a short time there yesterday, and I've got a better idea where to look now.

Re: Marsh Fritillaries at Rhos Pilbach?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:49 am
by Michaeljf
I don't know if that means what you saw was Marsh Fritillaries, as recently I've only seen them in sunny but windy conditions, where they tended to stay low! It seems they nay change their 'Jiz' quite a bit depending on the conditions.

Sorry I couldn't help with Rhos Pilbach - like David, I live too far away for it to be a site I have visited yet. I hope that either later this year or next year I will have a bit more time to be able to investigate more of the Wales sites. I think this website suffers a bit from not covering Wales very well, due to the fact that either there aren't very many posters from here, or we aren't particularly widespread. Plus folks will often visit England for species rather than coming here. I mean, how many people will visit the Lake District or Arnside Knott for High Brown Frits rather than visiting Old Castle Down / Ewenny, where they are thriving? Not that I can blame folks, as Arnside Knott is a lovely spot and well-publicised. :)

Good luck if you make another visit! With the 'strong' flight patterns it is perhaps possible you are seeing Small-Pearl Bordered Fritillaries?


Re: Marsh Fritillaries at Rhos Pilbach?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 5:48 pm
by David M
I certainly wouldn't describe Marsh Fritillaries as strong, fast fliers. To me they're quite un-fritillary like in the sense that they don't seem to take long, robust flights, preferring instead to opt for an abbreviated flutter before alighting again nearby.

As Michael says, they tend to favour settling in the vegetation. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen one airborne at an 'altitude' of more than 3 metres (I certainly can't consciously remember having to look measurably upwards to follow one in flight).

Re: Marsh Fritillaries at Rhos Pilbach?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:21 pm
by dilettante
Hmm, I wonder whether I saw them then. I can't think what else I might have been seeing. Maybe it was just the wind that made them look like faster fliers. I guess the only way to be sure is to go back there!

Re: Marsh Fritillaries at Rhos Pilbach?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:40 pm
by David M
Take your camera and show us the pictures! That way we can be sure.

Re: Marsh Fritillaries at Rhos Pilbach?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:23 pm
by dilettante
Success at last! I went back today with perfect weather. It took a while to spot any MFs, but eventually found a small number of fairly elderly-looking specimens, and managed to get some photos which I'll post once I've got home and uploaded them.

Re: Marsh Fritillaries at Rhos Pilbach?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:08 pm
by David M
dilettante wrote:Success at last! I went back today with perfect weather. It took a while to spot any MFs, but eventually found a small number of fairly elderly-looking specimens, and managed to get some photos which I'll post once I've got home and uploaded them.
Great result. Makes all the effort worthwhile.

Will look forward to the images.

Re: Marsh Fritillaries at Rhos Pilbach?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:39 pm
by dilettante
Pictures as promised. They're pretty ropey specimens!

#1 Marsh Fritillary male

#2 Marsh Fritillary female

Re: Marsh Fritillaries at Rhos Pilbach?

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:50 pm
by David M
Excellent shots - shame that the butterflies were a little worn. They're so stunning when fresh. Looks like those two have been out for a while.